Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Oh brother, over at pa(t)he's, some atheist was (predictably) going on about how

atheists know (the Bible) better ...  Yeah, I need to get my eyes checked, so i'll call up the ear doctor.  Seriously, the Scriptures are SO PACKED - which is why (per the Holy Spirit) a 10th-grade educated farm-hand can really know the Word, in numerous ways, not bestowed on most others.  Uh yeah, none of the Scriptures are for private interpretation - yeah, that's written in there.  

What i'm getting at is: i have heard several godly preachers say how they've read such-n-such chapter over and over again, over the years - and bam!  Such-n-such verse ... was like they'd never read it before, but they had.  Yeah, even i know, try explaining that to a Christ-basher - uh, like trying to explain basic arithmetic to a chimpanzee; whaddawastea breath.

Some Christians are interested in the genealogy portions - and use (and check their) excel spreadsheets.  Other Christian's hone in on the battles.  While others focus on the young church.  And still others, will read, and update pencil-drawn maps.  Uh, can ya spell, different parts of the Body of Christ?

Oh yeah, i've no beef whatsoever with stats that claim that atheists are generally more intelligent/educated than for-real Christians.  Uh, didn't the Lord enable (per common grace) that bigger-barn guy with the smarts and the drive to achieve?  He was fixing to retIre, then WHAM ... he's not golfing in Florida.

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