Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Continuation from a recent post on another blog. The "mean-girls" over

at a certain red-pill site - where they talk about "game," which is nuthin but mental manipulation - anyway, these guys outdo any self-respecting junior-high mean-girl, any day of the week.  Teenage mean-girls may grow out of it, and eventually grow a heart.  Uh, not so sure about 30 year-old men (for lack of better terms).   Uh, pharoah's heart was already very hard - while Moses was enjoying a quiet shepard's life. 

Anyway, another advantage of being an old "hag" (back at cha, bozos) is, having no sex-drive.  Yeah, i'm all dried up - and that don't break my heart one iota.  i don't want a boyfriend because that's fornication; don't even want even the appearance of that possibly going on.  Yeah, this old hag is a snob - so i've no desire to white-wash that reality in churchianeze.  And i don't want a husband either, because the Bible says a wife is to submit to their husband.  Even if he's a bozo - uh, like most of 'em.  No thanks, glad i'm way past "post wall."

i'm sorry to think this way, but doggoneit, with 2/3rds of the college-debt load being on the backs of women, matches the same 2/3rds of college students are female.  Uh, where the tarnation are the men?  That stat speaks volumes, and those young fellas attended slacker101 somewhere.  Uh, like from dear old daDUH - who threw mom under the bus, and then had the gall to whine when she put in paperwork at the DRO? 

By the way, there's this guy at work, going on about how proud he is of his son.  Horse patties!  If he was for-real, he and the boy's mom would still be MARRIED and sleeping in the same bed.  Wives don't normally decide on some half-cloudy Thursday, they want to be single - it's a years wearing down period.  And guess what, women are fallible humans too - and can only stands so much. 

A few days ago, that same guy was spouting some other rubbish - something about a woman had stopped to chat, and him not wanting to hear about some church picnic...uh, like participating in church fellowship is worthy of being scoffed at.  Oh, fershure, wanted nuthin to do with that jerk, the first time he spouted his stupidity.  His (married) co-worker seems flirtatious...oh, she can have 'em - ugh!

What I'm getting at is, college-age men have adultolescents who sired them.  Many of these cad-dads are in their 50s and some are older. 

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