Have to have traffic for that. Anyway, here at this safe place... Oh, and by the way, my "private blog" is in a drawer - ya know, the old fashioned kind - pen and paper. Anyway, want to relate a true story, about an extended family member. We'll call her Ellen. Ellen has always been motivated. She draws a six-figure salary. Granted, i don't like her, she was always a snooty bayoch. But i haven't seen her for years, and doesn't break my heart.
Here's the deal. She and her mom were very close, years ago. The dynamics amazed me, how they were like friends. Well, evidently, something went bad. i wasn't there, i don't know - she and her mom are not on good terms. Ellen has a media page - ya know, the real popular one. Those "popular" ones give me the willies.
And i heard those exact words (well, pretty dern close). "Blabbing all over the internet." Hey, i wasn't there, and yeah, Ellen is a snooty ... That aside, it's a free country, and if she needs to vent on that widely accessed platform, we are free to read, or not read.
Was taken rather aback by those words. Like invalidation, something was bothering Ellen, and it's like keeping up a front is more important than being real. Uh, those "blabbing all over ..." words were quoted by a motivated get-stuff-done person - a person who, i have to seriously wonder, if she has emotions. i say that, because - while controlling ones emotions is not only VERY Biblical, but also makes good sense in the world. But i seriously wonder about people who don't ever get irritated or opinionated. People like that, i definitely keep my guard up, and keep a distance from.
And what i heard is: Ellen's mom has been upset about things. She may be bitter, or she may be grieved - methinks, the latter. Her late husband of several decades left her next to nothing, and she caregivers a grown child. Uh, sounds like reason to be upset. Doesn't help one iota that the (elderly) mom is a practical atheist, from what i gather.
Speaking of (practical or categorical) atheists, saw a picture of, think it was, Bertram Russell taken a few years before his death. And a quote that i don't remember. But i remember the tone, it was of very controlled sadness, disappointment, mixed with fear and dread. Well yeah, he was like 80-something. There was something eerie about his countenance, i thought of creatures stirring, as the darkness approaches on a summer evening.
Six-figure or eating cheese crackers for supper, to be near the end of life here on earth as an atheist...not good. Atleast mormons and jehovah's witnesses, and goddess-worshippers (catholics) believe in an afterlife. Unfortunately, unless you believe that only faith in Christ (not Mary, not Allah, thor, Mickey mouse) and repenting of sin will save you. The latter is a fruit of salvation.
Anyway, to believe that death is final, well yeah, of course yer gonna end up dissatisfied, disappointed. King Solomon had the best of things, and when he got old, he realized he (accomplished) he had wasted so many years in stuff that really didn't matter. He was no atheist, and yet he was bummed out. i can only imagine what goes through an unbeliever's mind, as old age manifests itself.
Uh, no thanks. And yeah, what a quiet joy to give thanks to the Lord for a couple of cheese crackers.
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