Tuesday, January 7, 2025

The b.o. was noticeable. People, who don't know, or care,

about the situation, will say, "soap is cheap."  Conveniently forgetting, however, a double-load laundry-mat washer (which is actually a single load) costs about $3.30 - and that's the basic, one wash, one rinse; the upgraded two washes and two rinses (which gets the laundry much cleaner) runs about $3.55.  Most people prefer using the six loader - which is more like three laundry loads.  These are eco-friendly (a.k.a., skimpy on the water) front-load washers.  Anyway, this popular size runs about $5.60 for the basic cycle, and around $6.10 for the cycle that gets your stuff clean.  The basic dryer runs about $.40 for 8 minutes; the next size up is about $.55, for 8 minutes.  Takes about three to four cycles to get the laundry dry.  

Say bye-bye to the $20 - when $30 would better do the job.  Comes the old, stuff it into two machines, when using three would get the laundry coming out fresh - then subsequently fully dry.  Any wonder the less-than-thirsty bath towels, come out, and get chucked away, somewhere, in crampy spaces, along with other things, laundered likewise, smelling a bit sour.

Towels, like the almost-rags (dollarstore purchased, some time in the past) bath towels - which are actually midway between a bath, and a hand towel, the dish towels are also too few in number for the family's, needs.  Translation:  laundry not visiting the hamper as often as needed.

That's probably why the person, sitting on the bench, had body odor.

Monday, January 6, 2025

Things were different back then. Early 50s, when Levittown was being built.

My grandfather had a good job, and was able to afford better than (post ww2) tickey-tack.  He and gram, lived in York, and traveled to Harrisburg, where they both worked.  There and back, each day, winter and summer, upon that dinky Old York road - for the highway (route 83), hadn't been built, until around the mid-50s.  Before that expressway was available, they had said, nuts to this - and bought a house about 7 miles from the city.  The two acres was inexpensive; not that anything was wrong with it, it was just that back then, west shore acreage was the sticks.  More than a few dirt roads - fun in march, when the snow melts; the mail route was rfd.  

In '71 or '72, gram was done.  Recall her saying something about the commute into the city.  She couldn't always carpool with her husband.  Grampa, back in the day, had been to law school, but had to give it up, in order to provide for his aging parents - so, he had gone into a law-related field.  Anyway, 83 long built, but when you're older...winter mornings and heavy traffic - the other highway, (route 81) leading north, hadn't yet been built; city traffic was...not fun.  Though, at the time, had been in the works.  Didn't matter, that 81 would be on line within a year - gramma was done with the slog-shuffle.  

That all said, one of the red-pills made the statement, that women reach their 60s, they generally tire out.  Red-pills, like the proverbial busted clock...  i remember gram saying, at the time, 62 was when women could retire - while men generally retired at 65.  Anyway, red-pill delivered the bit of news, with much glee - that women, in their 60s, tired out, but financially, are unable to retire.   (Wouldn't be that women are prone to getting "negged" out of their resources, would it??)  Red-pills conveniently forget, women were not designed to battle it out - no surprise, these jaspers embrace evolution - on bended knee.

As for 30-something housewives launching a career?  Thirty years hence, she's 60-something, if not, in her late 60s.  Even people, especially women, who pay mind to their health, when you get into your 60s, those wintry mornings aren't quite the same as they were ten or fifteen years ago.  But not only that, the shark tank in general - the water is, noticeably, more unclean.  An oolld people thing - we tend to notice pollutants, of which younger people are not aware.

"Likewise ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." 1 Peter 3:7

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Another red-pill spouting nonsense.

He claims that most divorces are initiated by women.  By the way, she's accustomed, to doing the legwork...scheduling doctor appointments, running the tax/business/investment documents to the accountant, looking over the papers - in addition to working a full-time job, and doing the unpaid second shift.  The husband, goes to work each morning, well rested, refreshed, and ready to score that Phills Account.  Meanwhile, the wife goes to her workplace, about half dragging - the typical five or six hours of sleep she manages to get, isn't quite enough.  Over time, it gets old - and draws upon her face and figure.

And "she's not happy?"  Well, who'd of thunk.  Also, has it even occurred to any of these jaspers (expecting patriarchal privilege, but loudly, peevishly, rejecting patriarchy's responsibilities) "not happy" could be translated as the reasons (usually more than one) for the divorce being, frankly, "nobody else's dern business."  Uhm, maybe, just maybe, she's too embarrassed to let anyone know - after 20-some years, finally figuring out....after having happened upon, when she had left her phone at work, and needed to make a call.  Just another picure of a barely legal  babe in a teddy.  Ya know, just another little thing; can't prove adultery, but the cutsie little pic and caption was finally enough for her to get a freaking clue, into that pretty little thick head of hers. 

As for the 40-something housewife, who "doesn't work,"  two to four years to get schooling, and on her feet...yeah, right.  With no, or outdated, education, or minimal work experience (as a waitresss, back in 05) she's about hit the wall. A similar wall comes a decade later for men; the company merges, or takes a dump - and early 50s-frank is pounding a rough pavement.    

Employers prefer to hire and promote young people.  Even so, many get through school, with half decent grades, but end up having to settle for a 40k job - one that hardly pays the rent, while affording reliable transportation - let alone, the school loan.  Oh, just a starting wage?  (Meanwhile, the beeoch can take the bus.)  Talk to the guys, at a certain warehouse, who were told, they'd be getting permanent status, and benefits - they had been fed that line, for over three years.  Better to be 40-something with a temp job and a single rented room, than no job and sleeping in your truck.

Jasper, did you not get the email?  It's a freaking shark show out there.  Want that $1.39 hourly raise?  Competition is keen - very.  Truth is: put an armed man and an armed women in a shark tank, and guess which one is likely to come away profiling a victory backstroke.  If woman's "failure" to slay that shark is cause to, basically write her off as incompetent, pathetic, kindly take up your royal (pain in the buffalo) decree - of what you think is best, how things ought to roll.  Present your widdle podcast - with the (purchased) 500,000 (bot) followers - to the Lord...good luck ;/ 

Stuck in starting wages?  Happens - see end of 1st paragraph.  Forget about retirement savings, for the foreseeable future - closer to 50, than 40, time is drawing short.  Low-risk investments take way longer to yield, than do higher risk - which can, and do, go ghost.  At 60-something, life changes.  Grampa retired at 62, because he could well afford it; grandma retired at 62 because working full-time, then coming home to the second shift...was wearing her out.  She, by the way, had earned her wages as a ledger analyst, not at some typing pool grind. 

Typically, jasper was going on about alimony.  Translated: he wants the laws to support consequence free, at-will, divorce - hire then fire, turn around and do it again (wondering why "females" cop attitudes...anyone?).  What was almost funny was his use of boss-gal talking points - pee-u, the b.s. was ripe.  What he had, so conveniently, left out was:  had the ex-wife brought in the 120k, and he the 60k, guess who would be shelling out alimony payments.  

Enjoyable saturday. No flippin' running, for a change.

Did most of that yesterday.  Sitting here, listening to cds.  To think, wasted most my life on crappy music (rock-n-roll).  Yep, welcome to old age - when the b.s. meter runs on high alert. Eh, no wonder ooolld people are prone to forget what they'd come into the livingroom for.  Nope, not altzheimers onset - that's precisely what the unclean spirit of fear wants us to believe; and blow precious funds - better spent on good music.  Seriously.  "Trust the science?"  Well alrighty then!  There's studies which scan brain waves, while the person listens to music, and how the genre affects different areas of the brain.  

That said, am no expert on the genre, guess not!  First time for everything.  The music is two of Beethoven's concertos.  The case is in good condition.  Had paid ONE dollar, at a kids' Christmas party fundraiser - and a dollar for each of the other 15 or so classical cds.  Heard Beethoven was a Christian, and Bach as well.  Beautiful music.  Whatever time i've remaining, have been filling it with for-real music.  Oh, and have noticed, classical cds generally run nearly twice as long as those put out by popular groups. 

Anyway, that also said...frankly, we've all (young old, regenerate, unregenerate) been swindled - bigtime.  Had been the most part of a century ago, when crappy music began being horned into civilization.  People claim that feminism is the devil's most brilliant scheme.  Maybe so, but his flinging turd-tunes (seriously) - after hawking them as prime rib - comes in as a very close second.  And the way, he got his toadies to substitute orchestra, for offal...absolutely brilliant.

One devious method, among others, was back in either the 1940s, or maybe the 50s, an "innocent" Tom and Jerry cartoon came out, before the movie - when movie theaters showed a news reel, then a cartoon prior to the movie feature.  (Now it's just commercials, or previews of movies, you don't want to see - that torture scene, why'd they have to detail that? Ugh!)

Anyway, the cartoon, rerun on TV (newsreels in theaters? i'm old, but not totally ancient 😀 ) shows Jerry, the mouse, who lives beneath the floor of a concert hall.  He's getting more fed up, by the minute, because each night, the orchestra plays music by Brahms, Wagner, Handel and such.  Meanwhile Tom, the cat, is the fine orchestra's conductor.  Well, Jerry runs around the pit, and plays a few notes of either jazz or ragtime (rock's baby-daDuh) upon each (for-real) musician's instrument.  At the end of the three-minute cartoon, the entire orchestra is rocking out - while the conductor is about pulling out his hair.

Was seven or eight, when first having seen the cartoon.  And yeah, like millions of other kids, i was all in.  Had taken the bait.

Oh, here's a real zinger - Deuteronomy 15:11. Though, it was a closely related Scripture

in the New Testament, that had gotten me bristling, bigtime.  Will search for that one, in a few moments.  Anyway, Deuteronomy 15:11, "For the poor shall never cease out of the land: therefore I command thee, saying, Thou shalt open thine hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy, in thy land."  Lord doesn't mince words, does He!  Closely related because, how is that for-real help (not just some crumpled three bucks) made available?  Uh, for starters, through slogging it off (on dark wintry mornings) to the stop, to catch the commute bus.  Then to come home, where various commonplace amenities are not present - namely, windows that keep out drafts, without having to hillbilly them (with rolled cloth and masking tape) each November.  

Found it:  Ephesians 4:28.  "Let him that stole steal no more: but rather let him labour, working with his hands the thing which is good, that he may have to give to him that needeth." Recall, having read this, and boy, did bristle a wtf!  Go out and work, while doing without stuff (i don't make a six figure salary). All for what??

Oh wait, there's other hard pass Scriptures. Very! Anyone not living in a darwinistic bubble has either heard or read Bible verses which tell us to put (the needs of) others before self.  Good news is:  have heard for-real preachers say, if this or that verse doesn't honk you off, you're either deluded, or simply not paying attention.  One such for-real follower of Jesus Christ had been sorely tempted to up and punch out some guy, who had ripped him off on some $800 parts transaction.  

"And with all deceivablenses of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie." 2 Thessalonians 2:10-11

Boomers...actually, millennials. The couple has several children.

Some his, some hers.  And not a one is going to inherit a dime, from their (wannabee) jet-setting father or mother.  Once again, that 80's bumper sticker, "We're Spending Our Children's Inheritance," brought out, unfurled, and tied to the plane's tail-wing.  "Lovers of self..." 

The couple wants to spend it up, not leave any remaining.  Though somehow, doubt leaving any money behind will be a problem, for the article had also mentioned the couple having paid off their credit card balances.  But wait, if they have the funds to globe trot, then what was up with the credit card statements, to begin with?   Uhm, don't the well-to-do pay off their cards, the day after the bills arrive in the mailbox?

Based on the couple's 50-60ish age, the six adult children are probably in their 20s and 30s. Twenty to thirty years from now, a modest inheritance for each of them - let's say 20k per - could pay down, if not pay off, a mortgage - or fund a (low risk) retirement account.  Though have heard, that much of time, inheritances end up like the proverbial 304.

Know if a couple who inherited 15k - that was no chump change fifty years ago; they could have paid off their mortgage, but chose a (pseudo) high end vacation.  Then, some thirty years later, couldn't pay off their home-equity, and ended up in foreclosure.  Some fifteen years ago, a widow had inherited around 100k - run through within two years.  Her kids (with whatever their own financial obligations) had to come up with the money for her funeral - there had been no life insurance...take a good guess. 🤔

"For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy." 2 Timothy 3:3

"A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children : and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just."  Proverbs 13:22