In '71 or '72, gram was done. Recall her saying something about the commute into the city. She couldn't always carpool with her husband. Grampa, back in the day, had been to law school, but had to give it up, in order to provide for his aging parents - so, he had gone into a law-related field. Anyway, 83 long built, but when you're older...winter mornings and heavy traffic - the other highway, (route 81) leading north, hadn't yet been built; city traffic was...not fun. Though, at the time, had been in the works. Didn't matter, that 81 would be on line within a year - gramma was done with the slog-shuffle.
That all said, one of the red-pills made the statement, that women reach their 60s, they generally tire out. Red-pills, like the proverbial busted clock... i remember gram saying, at the time, 62 was when women could retire - while men generally retired at 65. Anyway, red-pill delivered the bit of news, with much glee - that women, in their 60s, tired out, but financially, are unable to retire. (Wouldn't be that women are prone to getting "negged" out of their resources, would it??) Red-pills conveniently forget, women were not designed to battle it out - no surprise, these jaspers embrace evolution - on bended knee.
As for 30-something housewives launching a career? Thirty years hence, she's 60-something, if not, in her late 60s. Even people, especially women, who pay mind to their health, when you get into your 60s, those wintry mornings aren't quite the same as they were ten or fifteen years ago. But not only that, the shark tank in general - the water is, noticeably, more unclean. An oolld people thing - we tend to notice pollutants, of which younger people are not aware.
"Likewise ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered." 1 Peter 3:7
Most women by 60s can't handle manual labor. Maybe a few can go to office or teaching/professional jobs. Standing on one's feet for 8 hours isn't going to happen. Redpills yell get a job and never address how horrible the job system is or the rampant discrimination against even the men who hit 40 something and lose a job, but then are considered "too old" to be hired.
ReplyDeleteRedpills yelling from their Aunt Carla's basement.