Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Oh brother, another marriage gone down the tubes.

The marital house sold, the ex-wife had to move - between the mortgage, and buying out her ex-husband's half.  Staying wasn't an option.  If there are kids below the age of 18, the ex-husband, of course, will have to pay child support - and cry into the internet, an agnes flood's worth.  However, he'll be able to add to his personal/sick leave balance.  He won't be doing the chauffeur shuffle.  Meanwhile, the other divorced-shattered half, won't have the peace of mind which a reasonably healthy leave balance affords - if one of the kids happens to sneeze in school or daycare...  Guess who ends up slogging it off to the office, dragging the tail end of a flu - for the next week.  (Going to work half sick, inhales 😞 )

Oh, and employers aren't always overjoyed at receiving unplanned call-offs; so, guess who might not get the promotion.  And guess who's retirement will be less, as a result; guess who will have less saved for later years, and will have to continue swimming in the shark tank? When you get into your late 60s... well, for one thing, the b.s. meter is prone to go off; there are times, when that alarm is better stifled.

Red pill math doesn't factor long-term realities.  These guys, evidently, think they'll all become, and remain, silver foxes.  

She's moving back home; her widowed mother lives in a spacious enough house - one that's probably mortgage-free.  The structure having been soundly built and maintained, because the widow's late husband had better things to do with his time, than naval-gaze upon red-pill sites.   

Older women are debt ridden - red pill dude's stats

appeared to have been copied/pasted off some twutter comment section - big surprise, anyone?  Anyway, assuming that 50 and 60-ish women carry more debt than men of the same age group, could it be the women are, either partially, or fully, keeping the grandchildren - while the kids' mothers are striving, to keep ahead of the next round of layoffs, while struggling to make the following month's lot rent.  Yep, that's going up another $40-something in February.

Gram buying the kids winter coats, and some presents - so the kid's don't end up with too skimpy of a christmas...oh, and by the way, check out the price of a ten pound ham.  Speaking of ham, before you know it, it will be coming around Easter - and we know what that mean$. New clothing.  Red-pill dude didn't mention children.  Of course not; red-pills are, at the same time, anti-abortion and anti-children...go figure :/ 

He did cite reasons for older women's financial struggles.  These can be summed up as simply this:  women do not think and act like men...well no sheite Sherlock!  Women, especially, older women, generally don't "play (to win") upon the stock market's chuck-holed grounds, because women are generally risk averse.  These same guys, running their evolution-speak, how men have evolved to run through women - how quickly they forget, that over the past 200-some thousand years of human evolution (or whatever the current figure is nowadays) taking risks, in a world full of dangerous beasts - including the people who live across the river - was detrimental to sustaining the group's population; one which was hanging on by not much more than a length of dollar store twine.

RP dude gave yet another reason.  Women work in jobs which don't pay as well.  No, we generally don't climb utility poles (in high winds and cold rain); we tend to not prefer doing a six-month stretch out upon some north sea oil rig.  And forget about policing around hunter's point.  Again risk - please refer to the above paragraph.

In "short" :) ... hey, he's into bashing, women for simply being women, and for having lived long enough to reach 50-something...well alrighty then.   By the way, "short" can be taken more than one or two ways.  Neither options, being complementary.  

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

"Worthless degrees?" Oh really!

If that be the case, then i guess, the people who have studied early music, and the instruments used some 800 years back, should have majored in corporate accounting, or some other (yawn) $ubject; honing their skills on even nastier ways to hike up (postage-stamp) lot rents, displacing trailer park residents - who will likely end up living in their (not too reliable) cars. 

Perhaps, the twenty (give or take) members of Jordi Savall's orchestra, or the Clemencic Consort's fifteen-some members, and the two men who started Sequentia, or the six-some members of Capilla Antiqua de Chinchilla...

What of the twenty-some students of the Gonville & Gaius Choir?  Uhm, one has to study diligently the language to sing those songs.  Perhaps, some of the students are majoring in biology or engineering.  Oh we definitely need more people to design six-ounce boxes of chocolates to trick consumers into thinking they are buying close to a pound - and besides, we all need MORE plastic.  Not enough sea creatures are suffocating :/  But anyway...

How many other people - who may or may not play instruments or sing the songs in the languages of the period - ya know, people who majored in the arts?  Eight hundred years is a long time.  Alot of documents had been lost.  So, in composing the music takes serious brain-work - unlike certain other recent forms of what-passes-for "music."  (But won't go there, it's Christmas).

The people who rant the most about the "worthless degrees" are ... yep, you guessed it!  Red-pills.  i guess they haven't noticed how devolved classical music, and art has become. But what to expect from dudes who sit in their jimmy-jams for days on end...:/ And no.  Am no expert either.  All's i know is, there's a big, BIG difference between for-real classical and pop culture.  Same, so goes with the hymns in the church - though yeah, there's a few modern ones which sing well.  The classical music (ya know, Bach, Wagner, and the rest) is better, in every way.  As for hymns, Hill Song can pound sand.

Is what it is.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Wedding's cancelled - she wouldn't sign the pre-nup.

Yeah, the same pre-nup peewee basically threw at her, hardly three weeks prior to the wedding.  Uhm, even 6 weeks notice is not enough time for the bride-to-be to find a good lawyer to help her go over the document, (she's a computer programmer, not a lawyer) and sufficient time for her to decide if she also wants to take out a pre-dIvorce insurance policy.  Call it what you will, but a pre-nup is just a white-washed "I-don't-effing-trust-you...kunt!"  Any gal with half a brain, would either tell peewee to beg off, or she'd get herself a rock solid pre-nup (at least that would stay hard ;/ ... for more than two minutes). 

There's also finding the means to come up with the 2 or 3k needed to pay the attorney for his or her time and effort, pouring over tomes which would make the rest of us - out of sheer frustration and boredom - want to bang our heads upon rough concrete pillars.

Laying all remarkies aside, i seriously wonder, if men are prone to flash last-minute pre-nups - in hopes their (latest) victim is preoccupied with getting the invites out, deciding which caterer, and whether or not a cash bar is tacky (our heroine hates booze - you go girl :):):).  And about family has one...who likes to start needless (post-election) drama, but if you invite one, and not the other ... ugh!

Anyway, the wedding called off, and peewee is braying all over red-pill land, how he dodged a bullet.

Saturday, December 7, 2024

Think there's an agenda with this work-from-home,

 - in yer footie-jams (mental pictures, mental pictures - ew, that's gross 😝).  By the way, it's one thing to log onto the employer-purchased 'puter and monitor at 6 am on a saturday morning (when your normal hours begin at 8:15 - or did deena-dutchess change that up to 7:45?).  But it's WAY another to actually put on grown-ups' clothing, and drive to the office.  OK, that all said.

For the present, working from home means, no boss looking over your shoulder - as he, or she, takes a stroll about the cube farm.  Uhm, after all, the employer does pay hourly - and would prefer most of that hour be spent doing the job. But at home, while the on-line meeting is in progress, you could be browsing the new line of holiday doggie-sweaters on your personal smart phone. And it gets even better: if you choose not to shell out for the INSANNNE cost of child-care, who's gonna know, whether or not, you're abiding by that workplace rule? 

Meanwhile, employers, (who are in still in process of downsizing) are still paying rent and utilities for office space - where thirty people used to work at their desks - now, for only two or three (of the old heads).  Needful to say, what had remained of the downtown merchants, before the pLandemic, most have closed, for lack of business.  

There used to be this bohemian shop... but that was some years ago.  Had bought a dress there, it was long, and made of 100% cotton, and it was fully lined, with 100% cotton - not the hefty-bag/blend crap, that's sold at the mall.  On the way to getting the bus, would stop in to do a recon - white cotton sundresses make perfect slips 😀 .   That all said.

Have to wonder, if not quite enough time has passed for the jimmy-jam set to fOOly(?) get comfy.  With Artificial Intelligence (a.k.a., Augmented Intelligence) becoming more efficient, and cheaper, are there additional invasive monitoring procedures being reviewed, and decided upon boardroom tables? Do these mo(oo)vers-and-shake(downer)s already have legislators and judges on speed dial?  

AI...oh wait, another few years - if that - AI will be fully qualified to do the job; the business won't need to ... horrors, pay a human.

Wednesday, December 4, 2024

"He don't like you." Somehow i doubt peewee was the first reviler.

A Lady, (BurbNBougie) on YouTube was saying, that's the wrong thing to say to a woman - an already wounded spirit, who's (soft guy) significant other is giving her grief and -  intentionally, needlessly, creating way more trouble than he's worth - wasting her time, and her hard-earned money.  Yeah, like recently, when he wouldn't shut his yap, and his response to her polite request - for a couple of drama-free moments - resulted in him smashing one of her few cds.  As if "not liking" her  (musical preference) gives brat-boy a free pass to go destructo.

So, why doesn't she leave?  Here we go again: more invalidation from the busy-body gallery, who know nothing about the situation - and frankly, outside of the entertainment value, these nosies consume, like a glutton inhales junk food - don't give a rat's.  Oh, and when you don't have 3 to 4k to cover this, and last, month's rent, where you going to live?  (Is this test hard  🤔 )

Sorry (not sorry) he's usually more at fault than she - even if she is an air-head.  Documentation on that?  Please refer to Genesis 3 - ya know, where Eve takes the bait (not Adam).  Well, guess who first gets called on the carpet - and ends up sentenced to a lifetime of 12 and 14 hour workdays, dealing with weeds, thorns, and pesky knats?  

"The spirit of a man will sustain his infirmity ; but a wounded spirit who can bear?"  Proverbs 18:14

"And the LORD God called unto Adam, and said unto him, Where art thou?"  Genesis 3:9

"The priests said not, Where is the LORD? and they that handle the law knew me not : the pastors also transgressed against me, and the prophets prophesied by Ba'al, and walked after things that do not profit."  Jeremiah 2:8

The day before yesterday, was thinking, is there something wrong

with me, buying those 10-some (new) cds, of music that was written some 800 years ago.  Music played upon instruments, which were historically researched.  Lyre is my favorite,  love that sound. Was beginning to wonder, is this an old-age thing?   Some of the listings place the music under "opera."  My grandmother liked opera.  Can still remember, some 60 years ago, Grandma saying, "you should learn to love opera."  At the time, ugh, no way.

Btw, Jordi Savall's Le Royaume Oublie: La Croisade Contre Les Albigeos La Tragedie Cathare

Okay, i get it: the Cathars were heretics - kind of newagey.  (Nothing new under the sun, anyone?) But the thing is, they were good neighbors, didn't hassle anybody.  But the corrupt salvation-by-works (so not Gospel)  establishment had them slaughtered - from around 1100 till the 1400s.  By the later, the Cathars had all been murdered.

Sequentia is another group of wonderful musicians. Their "English Songs of the Middle Ages, some of the songs sound somewhat like they come out of the Appalachians.  Anyway. there's an album, think it's their first - wished i had written down the title.  The only portion i can recall is "... latin..." something.  It's a story about this nasty ruler, who is so greedy, the people are grinding poor; they have not the means to clothe their small children.  Well, this youngish widow lady, and her friends, decide to do something about it.  She goes into battle, along with the men - some of whom are not wild about the idea of a gal carrying a sword and shield into battle (which is biologically legit - but anyway...).  The wicked ruler is dethrowned, and decapitated.  The people rebuild.   Have looked on Sequentia's website, and it's not there.  Maybe that cd is from another group, but i don't think so.

Okay, all that said. 

The day before yesterday, was listening to a sermon (sermonaudio.com) by Pastor Jason Cooley, of Old Paths Baptist Church.  He gave that Scripture. "Thus saith the LORD, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.  But they said, We will not walk therein." (Jeremiah 6:16).  Caused me to think, wait a sec (and there's another Scripture that exhorts people to ask thy father, and he will tell you...and per google, found it - then went to my hard copy KJB.  "Remember the days of old, consider the years of many generations : ask thy father, and he will shew thee ; thy elders, and they will tell thee."  Deuteronomy 32:7

But anyway, last week had changed my mind about that pizza order at work.  Silly me, i thought a menu was going around with an envelope to put the money in.  Nope, "just go to the website and order it online."   Too complicated - just like the vending machines that take credit cards, but spit back (or keep) dollar bills.  Oh well, am fat enough.  

It's okay for a person to choose not to add another password and another bit of personal identifiable information (PII) for augumentated intelligence (AI) to pass around ...  

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Pre-fall: Is this what happened?

Somehow, i doubt that Adam was putting in 14-hour days tending that garden.  He probably made some tools, cleared this here, took a break, cleared over there, took a three hour lunch, came back and worked for about an hour, and then called it a day and went swimming.  Along comes wally gator, and he's about the length of a city bus - and about the bulk of a Volkswagen Beatle.  So Adam hops aboard, but the cruise doesn't last.  Wally spots wanda gator - she's so fine.  Wally speeds up/submerges, ditching his passenger.  Adam swims back to shore, coughs the water out from his nose, dries himself off with tuffs of grass, and wonders, What just happened here?  Perhaps, he was also thinking that a beach towel would come in handy.  

Next day, Adam trims a few trees, uses the branches to make the frame of a folding chaise lounge - then gathers leaves and grasses to fill in the gaps - thinking, the get up could stand a cushion, but oh well.  Later on, he calls it a day, and decides to go for a hike.  He happens upon a stallion, and thinks to himself, if i hop aboard, i get the scenic route.  The tour lasts not much longer than a ride on a merry go round, for mr.ed spots miss.edna - wahoo, what a babe! 

Adam gets left in the dust.  He brushes himself off, and half-limps home, thinking, Am I missing something here?

Day three.  Adam wakes up, but feels a tad sore - falling off that ...?  He grabs an orange for breakfast and trims a few hedges.  By mid-morning, he happens to spot an area of tall soft grasses, and feeling a tad sleepy, (quite a spill he had taken the day prior) he decides to take a nap.

"And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it." Genesis 2:15

"And the LORD God said. It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him." Genesis 2:18

At the end of the day...

It comes down to rules being bent, (uhm, ya think, grace?) for the sake of a certain half of the population, of which the Lord, in His perfect wisdom, did not design to be slogging it out five (or six) days a week.  Oh, as if that certain other half of the population don't get a pass from time to time...yeah, right :/  From what i understand, the Monday following superbowl Sunday is the same day, when most unplanned absences are called.  Technically, i guess, hung over constitutes a sick-day.  

Without going into detail, per my duties, i know first hand that, while one half may be absent more hours than the other - the difference is not staggering.  Didn't crunch the numbers, because that's outside my lane.  Did read, however, from someone, who did the research, the hours each half takes up, are about equal.  Most times, for both halves, it's about family - which may include grandparents, and elderly siblings.  Once again, the two-income trap, triggers; because, the one half, who would rather be at home, is STUCK in the trap - and the only way free of its constraints is ... going fundie delulu-land.  Can ya spell, pipeline to intergenerational poverty!

Uhm, poverty messes with the mind.  Talk to the MAN who's daddy grew up dirt poor.  Oh, the old guy somehow escaped it; he worked hard and long.  He then married, and supported his family on his earnings, over the years was able to build a healthy bank  balance - this was back in the day.  Btw, his widow didn't have to bite her nails when the electric bill came, or the old car needed tires.  Anyway, my co-worker said his father worked, long after he had the funds to retire - and go fishing, take his grandson camping, or something.  But he kept on working, even though age was doing a number on him. Why?  Because he FEARED poverty.  Poverty yet dogged that old man, long after he had escaped it.

Get so fed up with some of these preeechers.

They come off with the attitude that any, ANY!!  self-care is pride manifesting its jezebel spirit - (like Jezebel would be caught buying herself a sweater at WallyWorld, or ... gasp, a lipstick at Targot).  Being sarcastic here, because Lady, you work hard enough, and oughta be buying that sweater - and a dress to go with - from LorTaylor's!

Hey Preeech, how about YOU put up with ongoing crap, both at home AND in the office.  And then come run yer yap about humility and abasement - while prayfully painting on that (she)SIMP smile every day.  Oh, by the way, the gal is lucky if she's got enough spare change to buy herself a frigging t-shirt at the second-hand store - yeah, the same one whose baby-daDUH won't get off his duff and get a j.o.b.

You'd think a certain boss-womyn would exercise some empathy.  Har-de-har-har :/  The freakin' boss-WITCH just had to, unnecessary, add another burden.  So want to use the other word, that begins with a B (not a W).  Oh, who knows, maybe that's how witchiepoo gets her cookies off :/  There's more, but that's in the pen&ink diary - and stays there.  (Maybe someone will read it, after i'm put in the big-box).

You'd think, at preacher school, they'd go over this basic stuff (that cruel people get off crushing other people's spirits) but i guess that's hardly mentioned in the textbook - when there really needs an entire semester's worth.  Uhm, newsflash:  pee-pull are VICIOUS, because they get their jollies being that way.

Pushing humility???  Do some research (yeah, bad word, i guess).  Crushed spirits have had an entire freaking lifetime being reminded, over and flipping over again, and again, how their most basic needs, preferences (uhm, like a few uninterrupted minutes to listen to a song???)  don't count.  

Sunday, December 1, 2024

Oh, and not only overworked, and underappreciated... there's more.

And shabbily dressed.  These same "providers" somehow, have/had money for grog, gambling, hookers, and tobacco (most women didn't smoke back in the day) but none left over for wife-appliance to make, or buy, a needed dress, or even a warm petticoat - it gets cold in december.  

There's alot of things the wife-appliances of the past, and present, have had no other alternative but to shut up, and put up with... but raggedy clothing?  That's the ultimate put down.  And no!  Not talking fancy/overpriced/impractical. These same appliance OWNERS (would) then, turn around and despise their long (diabolically rendered) broken-down, two-legged automations, for being worn out...say, what the hey? :/

Uhm, "and he shall rule over thee" (last clause of Genesis 3:16); how does that divine proclamation become a bully's free pass?  Sounds like a bit of wresting going on.  Does not the local school district "rule over" homeowners?  (Try flipping them off, come tax time.) There's Scriptures in the Bible warning against abuse/neglect.  Nabal, anyone?  Oh, by the way, he was a son of Belial - that means reprobate, that means likely headed for eternal hell, "where their worm dieth not."

"As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things ; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction." 2 Peter 3:16

"Now therefore know and consider what thou wilt do; for evil is determined against our master, and against all his household: for he is such a son of Belial, that a man cannot speak to him."  1 Samuel 25:17.  (1 Samuel 25:25 is Abigail's response - interesting).

"Where their worm dieth not, and the fire is not quenched." Mark 9:44 (Scary portion of Scriptures.)

Somebody on the internet made the statement, "Babies are expensive."

Just a short while ago, some red-piller was going on about how the s3x dries up, not long after the wedding ceremony.  Well, aside of the usual 2nd shift, after working all day, wifey is just flagged out...  It just occurred to pea-brain me, that prior to 1960, the birth control pill didn't exist.  That meant, over the past six-some thousand years of human existence, s3x meant ... oh brother, here we go again, another hungry mouth to feed, another growing body to clothe (a mere 200 years ago, fabric was $$$), another bed to find room for in this dinky shack.

Could it be, there is an "evolutionary" (for lack of a better word) reason why the s3x slows, not long after a man "puts a ring on it?"  Of course, there are other reasons - one being: grog tends to put men in the "soft guy era,"  In short, (yes, a pun) just an added chore for wifey.

For those of us, born prior to 1960, one could wonder how many among our age group - and older - had been conceived in a situation, where our mothers said they'd a headache - or just plain "NO!"  But that response had gone ignored, by our fathers - whose upper body strength averages 2 to 3 times greater than that of our (at the time, nonconsenting and just plain overworked) mothers.

Back then, rage and violence, of about any sort, was barely even shrugged at.   Hhmmm...

Interesting take - listened to one of Public Offender's" podcasts.

The gentleman compared the marital contract (supposed to be a covenant, but hey "who is the LORD...") to signing with a contractor for interior work.  He explained: a couple marries, and over the next 15 or 20-some years, the wife does all the wife stuff - the housework, the childcare, the grocery and medical runs, the family socials.  Then, after all that, wifey wants out.  

Of course, her soon-to-be ex is highly upset at having to pay child support (perhaps, the youngest is still in high school) and, possibly,  alimony.  By the way, alimony is often tempory - good luck to the soon-to-be ex-mrs. in finding, and keeping, sustainable employment, at 40-something.  Neither will she likely be able to retire at 67; she'll probably have to slog it it out into her 70s.  Welcome to wally world, on this glorious sleety wintry morning.

Soon-to-be ex-husband is definitely steamed, because divorce court is looking at his 401k (while the soon-to-be ex-wife doesn't have a retirement package, since she hasn't "worked" much during the marriage).  So he's mad.  Not because his family is broken up; not because even his grand children (if any) will catch more than enough of the fall out; not because divorce about halts the flow of intergenerational wealth.  It's about the money - ex-hubby's fun money.  Hear these red pillers talk, that's always the first thing that spews from their yaps.  

The gentleman reminded his audience, that when you sign a document to have (major) work done in your home, you agree to pay for goods and services rendered.  The idea never even crossed my mind.  He gave a scenario, where, during the process, things are overheard, and the contractor runs his face.  While highly unlikely, nevertheless, the matter somehow  ends up viral.  Still, the contracted work has been completed.

Guess what:  the homeowner - not happy with the video that came up on his feed - is still obligated to paying the some 15 grand for that kitchen upgrade/extension.  Sure, he could file a law suit for the invasion of his privacy - never mind, the homeowner blurted out one or more stupid remarks, (let's say racist) while the contractor was doing the work. 

And, by the way, even if after the fact, the homeowner thinks the contractor over-charged (and then left sawdust residue over by the refrigerator), doesn't matter - the contract had been signed, and money still owed.

"And Pharoah said, Who is the LORD, that I should obey his voice to let Israel go? I know not the LORD, neither will I let Israel go."  Exodus 5:2