Thursday, August 29, 2024

Some fool was going about the best countries

for men to live in, are the worst for women.  These countries have few to no protective legislations for women (and children) - sadly, in this fallen world... Places where a punk can have multiple wives (and work 'em like sleddogs - then blame 'em, because ed's junk won't stay vertical, for much longer than thirty seconds).  He was all glee - going on about having "one to cook, one to clean, one to eff, and one to beat."  In short, saying, without saying, he doesn't have much going on - Obama was still in the white house...?

He somehow forgot to mention, those countries have - for atleast, the past few decades - insane unemployment rates; way worse than the US and Europe.  It's doubtful these 2nd and 3rd world countries provide (tax-funded) unemployment insurance, in the event of job loss, through no fault of one's own.  But somehow i doubt the fool is work-centered, but instead more the type to get "the beeches" to bring in the money.  The same ilk who whine about cruel taskmasters - i.e., boss expects his workers to show up at the site on time, sober, and otherwise ready for a day's work.

Those countries are rough places - even for men whose families have lived in the region since 1700-something.  Christless places, (no surprise there) places where government is corrupt, and has been for ages - makes our leaders look like church choir kids.  Places where might is right (where a man "might" live long enough to blow out the candles upon his 50th birthday cake).  Somehow i doubt red-pill punk would last a month.  

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Off-the-grid geezers - countryfied red-pills; they want...

These guys want a family - yeah sure, until they don't.  Cannot help but to suspect, it being all about their wants, their needs...these guys have been fickle, from the start.  Ever notice, the first thing out the these guys' yaps is: they don't want the "marriage" on paper - but i'll bet ya they want, ON PAPER that $6,540 used pickup truck; ya know, the one with the dented side, and ... ugh, seems to be leaking oil.  (There's cardboard for that, ask kevin.)

Just red pill SHRILL, ever negging on (and on...) how and why they do not want to get (legally - i.e., legitimately) married, because they'll lose half their stuff, in the event of a divorce - as if women who work for a paycheck don't lose half theirs in a divorce settlement?  Once in a blue moon, you might hear one of these guys mention (virtue-signal)  their children, but the next statement blows that ruse - comes the same old pout; child support obligations ... well, make it difficult to keep up the payments on that new motorcycle - and the early20s seat-cover/s.

Marriage with no state involvement?

Talk about a pipeline to poverty.  Even if jasper doesn't bail, after 30-40 years - (for a hottie and a 60k Harley) after his wife had sacrificed her youth, any career experience, social security benefits (which most people who work for a living, pay into the fund).  "Mrs.Jasper", is left with a last name which might not even be legal in some states - and perhaps, not much else. Now a tired, worn-out "widow," she may have no claim to her late "husband's" survival benefits - ya know, after all those decades, she kept the house in order, so that Mr.Jasper could focus on advancing his job/improving his property.  

Oh, and speaking of property, did jasper think enough of his hard-working "wife" to make decent provisions for her old age - in case he was no longer above ground?  Or did he not even trouble himself to have legal documents drawn up?  The house?  If the "widow" is not on the deed, she is ...nuts and bolts.  Legally, it will go to his kids (from his first legal marriage).  Oopps, forgot to mention, any kids the "widow" had with jasper, are legally "born out-of-wedlock."  In short, "widow" jasper will have to buy out whomever inherits the property + shell out about 6k in lawyer fees.  With no money...

Oh, and one other thing - when these get-off-the-grid geezers start into shaking their Bibles, uhm, does not that very same King James Bible tell us to "render unto Caesar" AND  to "obey the King"? - even if that person turns out to be ... the one you or i didn't vote for.  

"For, for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God's ministers, attending continually upon this very thing." Romans 13:6

"I counsel thee to keep the king's commandment, and that in regard of the oath of God."  Ecclesiastes 8:2

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Why is it never preached that to "sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor" is a process?

One which cannot be done in a day's time.  Not even by a debt free, lower middle class person, in the internet age.  If i was to sell all my stuff, it would not only mean finding the right buyers, but also, in giving to the poor, means the process of finding out which charitable organizations are legit, and which aren't. Why is it never preached that a rich man, with his three villas and town home - oh, and the rental properties - probably knows very little about what it's like to be poor, and so, the rich man has his work cut out for him, in learning what poor people actually need, to be able to get free from that ever nagging, grinding bondage.

It's one thing to pass out meals, and even $20s to homeless people - standing near intersections during rush hour.  It's also one thing to provide rent free, or low rent, spaces to poor people.  And while temporary relief is better than none, there's an old saying about the difference between doling out a fish to someone, and teaching someone to fish.  Meanwhile, elsewhere in the Bible, (Matthew 25:27) a man's servant gets rebuked for burying his master's money, instead of investing it.  

Had the rich young ruler heeded Jesus's words, helping the poor would have been a process.  There are three men interested in buying one of the young ruler's villas - the one that is located way out in the sticks.  Problem is:  Buyer #1 is a known human trafficker; #2 is a drug lord, and #3?   Well his credit isn't so good.  The other problem is: the fifty-some servants, who keep up the house and acreage.  Sell the place, to a sketchy buyer?  Then where will the servants go to obtain work?  Back to LaGree's factory-farm?  Big history there, not good.  

For sure, the rich young ruler, will need to get with his lawyers, and with brokers.  Some of the latter he knows - others, not so.  In short, selling his stuff is going to take time, careful thought, and alot of research.  Oh, and the ruler inherited alot of paintings and statues - he isn't too knowledgeable about the art world, so he needs to get with brokers who are.  More time needed to make the right investment decisions.  Perhaps, one of those decisions might entail buying LaGrees' - from the proceeds from villa #2 - and turning that nasty place into a farm, where the chickens and the cows aren't stuck in squallid cages - into a place, where the animals are well tended, where the food that comes out of there, is wholesome.  And where the workers are able to get themselves out of poverty, because the new owner - the young ruler - pays decent wages.  Livable wages, the beginnings of intergenerational wealth - talk about helping poor folks!

In short, why isn't it preached, that Jesus wasn't expecting the young ruler, to have everything sold, and doled out to every bum standing on the street corner - or outside of the local bars - and, by the following Tuesday, be joyfully living under a bridge (gimmee a break!)  Oh wait, why isn't it preached, that the rich young ruler was the type of person who had never been one to blow his money on vice?  Hhmmm, anyone notice, Jesus wasn't giving this specific expectation to some guy, or gal, who'd no ability to, or means, of possessing wealth - wasn't like Jesus was lecturing at some poor schmo, who'd just came out of domestic relations court (and late on his truck payment).  

A few verses up from the passage, he told Jesus, he'd kept the commandments from youth.  In other words, we all know - from Proverbs (and even from Dave Ramsey) vice is nothing but a gigando pipeline to poverty (Proverbs 23:21) had the motivated young man, gone through the process of selling and giving away of his wealth, he'd likely of ended up in a new line of business, and perhaps would have become even wealthier.  Rich people are generally like that - not being into bling, but into investing, into work; that's why they're rich (while the rest of us are stuipdly watching netflunks, or whatever :/).  Btw, Dave Ramsey had, some decades back, experienced a real rough patch - bankruptcy; no easy feat to climb out of that.

Hear too many of these preeechers tell, we're simply supposed to just up and sell ALL our stuff, and so render our selves, our kids - and grampa - joyfully, faithfully living in some corner of an abandoned warehouse, in a sketchy neighborhood.  

"Then Jesus beholding him loved him, and saith unto him, One thing thou lackest: go thy way, sell whatsoever thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come take up the cross, and follow me."  Mark 10:21

"Thou oughest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers, and then at my coming I should have received mine own with ursury." Matthew 25:27

"For the drunkard and the glutton shall come to poverty: and drowsiness shall clothe a man with rags."  Proverbs 23:21

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Call it a delusion, but i like to believe,

that back in medieval times, here and there, were priests, friars, monks and nuns who read and understood, their latin Bibles, and knew in their hearts that salvation was by faith in the Lord - and not through one's own steam (kneeling on gravel for six hours daily, reading thirty chapters daily, giving up cookies - for twenty entire years ...).  i like to believe, these individuals imparted this ultimate message unto the people - many of whom didn't know latin, atleast not enough to understand more than a few phrases here and there.  i like to believe there were a few members of the clergy who actually taught the Scriptures,  who went beyond the mere parroting, over and over again, the (gimmee-gimmee focused) top ten - like three pages worth, out of the 1,200 some Holy pages.  Clergymen who were actively concerned about, who had a burden for lost souls.

Speaking of latin, on the medieval music videos, is artwork of the time.  Lots of detailed illustrations, and lots of words - on the same parchment; and writing materials weren't cheap, so artists/scribes wanted to sketch/write things right, the first time - no Staples just down the road, open seven days a week.  Early and middle English, German, French and Spanish; from what i understand, the European languages written and spoken during the time, was Latin based.  Surely, everyday people were able to recognize atleast a few of the written, and a few more of the spoken words.  Call me delusional, but i believe the common people of medieval times knew far more than we - who've read lots of books - care to give them credit.

In addition, the Scriptures state that, in the latter times, men "will wax worse and worse."  Well, common logic leads me to believe that, over the centuries, people have been devolving towards ... ugh, means people's comprehension is headed likewise.

And NO, the average peasant couldn't read.  But come on, were these men and women total dullards?  Doubt it!  Over the past several decades, our educational system's focus has become more about about class and race envy, a way less than simply teaching johnny and suzie to read and calculate (how much gas will be needed to make a 237.28 mile trip).   Funny - not - how this disregard for, even everyday learning, had become quite evident, not even a decade after the Bible had been pushed off the teacher's desk, and into the wastecan.  Meanwhile, fifty years later, school officials and staff, still go around wondering why students are acting like mentally unstable animals. 

"For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."  Ephesians 2:8-9

"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse, deceiving, and being deceived."  2 Timothy 3:13

Thursday, August 1, 2024