Saturday, May 20, 2023

Women initiate 80% of divorces? Could it be...? Yep, another very legit reason.

We all know that second marriages are more prone to breakup than 1st Marriages.   There are too many men out there who just want the free daycare, maidservice, caregiving, and after all that toil, a bj (for the flaccid...eech!).  But either, first or forth...

Oh SO VERY GLAD women are communicating with one another and not mincing words.   This gal has an aunt, another a sister, still another a friend from school who gave her husband her youth, gave up her opportunity to get a good job, only to end up broke later in life. 

So, could it be that Kelly, who's been married 20 years to an overbearing skinflint.  She somehow began doing the math.  No, Kel doesn't have written proof, that her husband, in reality, doesn't give two sheets about her - today, and most certainly 20 years from now.

Kel has an iq of, maybe 93, on a good day, but she finally smartened up to the fact, her husband doesn't have her back - besides the inevitable stabbing she'll get, if things remain the same.  (It's never enough with cheapskates, and never will be enough.  Just eggshells).   Nah, she can't prove that either.  But Kel knows.  Just little things over the years.  Like that car inspection, he was cussing about, a few years back - ya know, [gosh derned] grease monkeys; sure, new brakes aren't cheap, but it makes the car safe for the driver - and the other drivers.  It always bothered her, (besides the needless foul language) how her husband was cheapskate.  Comeon already, that waitress, over at the diner a few days ago, was running ragged, you'd think...

Anyway, last straw was him, again, snarling about payment for services rendered - the plumber's bill.  Uhm, the plumber got the toilet to flush properly - which for that, 
she is so grateful; you'd think her husband would feel the same, because he uses it also.  But no.  As a matter of fact, her husband had cast her a dirty look (more like hateful) for... of all flipping reasons, Kel had thanked the plumber.

Yep, all finally came together.  Kel is cool and calm - no tears, emotionally checked out.  Three Tuesdays from now, she has an appointment with a divorce attorney.

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