Sunday, August 28, 2022

Whoever hostesses "Divesting Diamonds," she is a wise woman. She says things - VERY important things, that we don't hear about,

on the net.  Basically, women need to stand with other women.  For too long, women have been shamed and blamed.  The Lady is SO right on.  Men have scowed us women for the past 6,000 years ... bleeping enough already!  Okay, men be men, they don't really like us, never have, and never will ... yeah, whatever.  But women's REAL problem is: the female toadies, ya know the chicks that suck up (pun VERY intended) to the mgtow, and various other misog types. 

For example: the size-bashing.  Well, it goes like this: in today's economy, both husband and wife have to work.  Thing is:  after working all day AND taking care of the house, the kids, most wives are both too tired and too stressed to hit the gym thrice weekly.  So yeah, becky's likely to put on a few pounds.  No, this isn't an excuse to go goodyear.  Just saying, the reality is ... meh ... twenty or thirty pounds overweight at around age forty.  Women gain pounds going into middle age; that's a natural reality.  But misogs - and their on-bended-knee female suck-ups - fly their taunt flag.  

There's nothing worse than a rat, folks!

Next up, is the singles-bashing.  Ya know, a gal's like a non-person if she ... oh horrors, doesn't have a boyfriend or a husband, by the time she's into her 20s.  A real bind, because, these days, it's so important - and just plain SMART for young women to cultivate their vocational market value; which, friends, is best worked toward, while young.  At twenty-two, Chester may promise you the moon ... then twenty years later, after you have given up your education/vocation to be a housewife, Chester decides he neeeeeds to fiiiind himself .... yeah, with some very naive twenty-two year old.  

The old wife, has to wonder, if her husband's mistress faithfully remains in her apartment during the weekends, when Chester isn't around.  Who's hottie with on Saturday nights?  Come on, hottie knows Chester is married, and hottie knows of other young women who've been strung along ... right up to "the wall."  So yeah, she'll likely date; why shouldn't hottie date?  Per chance, the young gal might meet someone decent ... uh-huh, good luck with that :/  Anyway, sex outside of marriage is risky.  Will Chester bring home an std next Tuesday night, or the following thursday?  

And wives initiate eighty percent of divorces?  Whodda thunk!

Aside of std health risks, men who cheat on their wives are using the body of another person.  This poses another concern: if a guy can deceive young hottie, who else is he playing?  In what other areas of life, of business ... is there going to be, down the road, a case of funds mismanagement, bankruptcy - tax fraud can get real messy.  Talk about home wrecking!  These situations are no picnic, when you're fifty-something ... when you've basically hit the financial WALL.

Thirty years ago, rent for a decent apartment ran about $500.  Today, you might find a place for $1,000 - but that's one bedroom.

Which brings up, yet another scowl (are we surprised :/ ) launched against women.  We're so money minded.  YOU BETCHA!  It's women's nature to need security in our lives ; that's how the Lord Himself created women - so, scoffer, go before the Lord and tell Him what an incompetent bozo He is...and good luck with that.

Well getting late, and 5am comes early.  Anyway, one last thing.  The misogs shure throw EMOTIONAL hissy fits (ugh, whadda turn off) whenever a "post wall" gal call 'em on their bs.  

Oh wait, the diamond Lady pointed yet one other thing out.  She says there's alot of gender bending going on.  In other words, one has LEGIT cause to suspect of atleast some of these misogs of ... playing on both sides of the fence. 


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