Saturday, March 12, 2022

Yippee yahoo, driveway's done. Now all that needs to be shoveled are the mailboxes, but

they can wait.  No mail on Sunday :)  Been at this for four hours, and am done.  What made the shoveling tedious was...well of ccouurrrsee it had to ra-ra-raaiinnn a bit, before the snow came through.  And neither does it make things easier with the wind.  Weather, ugh!  So, the mailboxes can wait.  What can't wait: is the car, need to get the snow off of that, because the temps are going down.

On the, sort of, lighter side of wintry weather, are the excuses lazy people make.  Like, why shovel, because it will drift shut?  Uhm, maybe in the dakotas and alaska, but here in the mid north east, shoveling a wide path, right off, goes a long way.  Lazy people will also say, why shovel when the storm is still going?  Well, probably, in big-time snowy states, lazybones may have a point - but i doubt, snowy states have many lazy people.  In those states, and a few others, a two-foot dump of snow is about business as usual - and if you haven't bothered yourself to be prepared...that's not good.  

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