Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Are you kidding me? A "Better Bachelor" video popped up, and he was going on about

slightly-below average soon-to-hit-the-wall women chasing chads, then getting a real snow job - dumped after being "plowed" a few times.  Well, duh..?  He was going on about, something like 90% of women chasing like 10% of men.  So evolutionary...there you go...in a world without Christ.  You all can have at it :/ Anyway, let's just say, for argument's sake, what he's saying is at least partially true; then what he's saying is, most women are really stupid.  But that's only the half of it.  The "average" men ... ya know, the guys who plow our streets, fix downed power-lines at 3 am, during high winds AND sleet...yeah, those guys...  He goes on saying how average guys basically get left out.

Get left out of what?  Drama - and medical surprises - that's what.  Seriously, while Chad-chaser is young and really hot...yep, here we go again with the evolutionary bs.  Frankly, i have a difficult time believing that most young women are out there selling themselves so dirt cheap.  Granted, back in the 70s and 80s, there were "those kind of girls," but most the girls had steady boyfriends, and were interested in a possible future of marriage and children with him.  Have things devolved that much, over the past 40-some years, to the point where seven reasonably attractive women are chasing one perfectly sculpted chad - who looks like a ... a three dollar bill?  

Maybe i'm just old, and need to get out more.  Oh i think not :)  Wading in a cess-pool..?  No thanks.  Frankly, can't help but to think, being "old" is but one manifestation of the Lord's restraining grace.

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