Sunday, October 10, 2021

Bad example. Yesterday, while at the bank, was looking over the finance lit they had, and was thinking

if i was young, and just getting started in life...  Posted to the wall was a rack of about seven varieties of finance products.  All, but one described either loans or credit cards (loans with super interest).   There was one pamphlet which dealt with "wealth management" ... yeah, like a regular jane or joe has money to gamble in the stock market.  Not a one of those papers had anything to say about opening up a savings account or a cert of deposit - not a one.  And yeah, i get it, this is not 1985, where cd interest runs at around 5%.

Last time i saw a savings ad from a bank, was six or seven years ago; it was for a cd of 1k that paid .01 in interest - a dollar a year.  So yeah, not much incentive for the customers.  Anyway, the bank makes lots of money on loans.   So i guess they don't want to encourage joe and jane to put away even a thousand or so, here and there.  

Kenseyian(?) economics at work...i understand that guys worldview was: have a blast, there's no accountability after this life, and eff the next generation - he was a real weirdo...surprised :/


  1. You're right that saving money isn't as sexy as spending it, but all the professionals say that's the way to end up decades later with money to spend.

  2. Dear Kathy, i can see the logic in spending money on rare coins, fine jewelry, silverware, and other things that don't lose their value. Of course, have to have money to buy such stuff, and keep it secure.
