Sunday, October 10, 2021

Another bad example, simpering churchian platitudes ... no wonder people head for buddism, or whatever :(

The woman giving the shirley-temple advice wasn't the one who had, whatever small amount of, money stolen - by a fffaaammily member, nor does ms.dogooder have to make do in a tiny welfare borg-unit...  ya know, walls in drab-white, tiny windows that overlook a parking lot, and no room for much of anything.

Nope, ms.mega-church do-gooder enjoys a lovely 3,000 square foot home, and of course a few grand isn't such a big deal - she and her husband had just been talking about their recent month-long trip abroad.  Which, by the way, hadn't been their first trip to another continent.  Oh, just give it another year, and there's bound to be another brag-fest.  Maybe Rome, or Paris.

Still upset about the conversation, because the lady who lives in the welfare borg was told by ms.worldtraveler to pray and not be angry...what the eff??  Sorry (NOT!!! at all sorry) but god-talk is even cheaper than new agey bs.   

Still steamed, because the whole dialog was very invalidating - oh, and not the first time my ears were treated to such.  Knew something had been very much bothering borg-lady for several months.  Borg has every right and reason to be angry, and to express outrage at having been taken advantage off - not by a stranger, but by fa-fa-ffaaamily (ugh!)  

Goes like this, if you are denied the time to be dag-bern mad, you are also denied the right, a voice, to be honest with yourself, and most importantly, denied the right, the time, to process the anger, and in a healthy (i.e., Biblical) way to get beyond it, and get to a place where you are able to forgive - and politely cut that low-down thief completely out of your life...don't call, don't send cards, just go away, and stay away.

But i get the impression that, in church, forgiveness to those who rip us off bigtime, ain't enough, we're supposed to act like the abuse never happened, and allow the mangey-wolf to just trot in and out of our lives - oh, and if another grand disappears...just pray.

Never mind, the Bible tells us - again and again, to have no fellowship with wicked people, to separate ourselves from them.


  1. One reason I walked, I got tired of the "blessed" middle class types dogging me out. Now these types are in all churches even liberal ones, I got tired of being told how "ungrateful" I was by privileged types. They follow complaints for me but not for thee, we are supposed to be happy little "serfs". Did you see my article where I am getting weirded out by the globe trotting Covid disciples on my blog?

  2. Dear Peeps, and what's even creepier, is how these jetsetters brag up their vaxxes and boosters - like getting the shot is a status symbol, and being able, with a smart-flash of their vaxx-papers, to dine in restaurants...which the unvaxxed are only permitted take-out, if even allowed to darken the door. Betcha, when the time comes to take the Mark, the scenario will play out about the same. Your covid disciples article has been on my mind for a few days ... especially in light of the boast-fest that went down yesterday. Btw, the couple is boostered, that was made plain.

    1. HI Sue, yeah it's all been made into a status symbol, sad how effective it was on so many of the population. Well powers that be know the divide and conquer thing works, make one group special and honored and degrade another. Well you know what I think is potentially a would be "mark". Yeah these boast fests are wearing. I was never one to follow fads or the group.
