Friday, September 10, 2021

Well that was interesting - per Google-news, sounds like Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton were drinking coffee

down at the donut shop.  Sounds like she's giving him pointers.  While (ugh!) President Biden did not use the "deplorables" word, he didn't have to..."deplorables" was bold-face in between the lines of his gaslighting.  Yep, the some-25% of the unvaxx'd are to blame for the illness brought on by the supposed pandemic.

Uhm, one little itty bitty question:  the supposed bad health from covid, wouldn't have anything to do with people sitting on their cans, for (off-work) hours on end, watching tv, fakebook, snipchat...whatever, while feeding their faces on mass quantities of fatty, salty and grossly substandard (what passes for) food?  Would it?? 

And no, am NOT saying that active, healthy people don't get sick.  But you know dern well, the chances of a get-the-leaves-raked sort of person, nine chances out of ten, does NOT get sick, as long or as often, as a couch potato.

Anyway, the article ticked me off.  Needed to blog.  But now, there's lawn work to get done.

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