Excuse me, but i cannot help but to sense an agenda ... ya know, to gaslight people who, frankly, are finding this busy-body fear-mongering (on overdrive) becomming quite tiresome. And yeah, the masks are annoying ... glasses fogging up when you're trying to read the fine print (in seven different languages) on a label. Ya just want to get in, get what ya need, pay for it, and get the heck out. Masks also restrict breathing, when you're walking while loading your cart - and minding your child, that he or she doesn't lollygag a few steps over.
Uhm, there's pervs who get off on snatching up kids, and selling them to other pervs. Maybe it doesn't happen often, but no parent wants their kids to endure that, so parents are VERY cautious. Yep, that's where we live. We live where perversions are regarded as an alternative lifestyle - NO it's not! Child molesters are disgusting, and need to be put in the stocks.
Anyway, off topic. But not really. Come to think of it: why is little, if anything being said against the misery and disease that weirdos are $preading, (and have been for ... well, too dern long)? Oh no, but a big stink is made when someone, unmasked, neglectfully, while reaching for a box of cereal, let's out a cough - just when another customer happens by.
Hmmm, maybe that's more like what may have happened. And the mom acted like the pandemic was more like the black plague - and not, basically, just the freaking flu. As for Karen ... we all, sooner or later, can, and do, come to an enougha-this-busy-body-bs.
Well, break's is definitely over. Bye :)
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