Thursday, September 2, 2021

Per the last paragraph or two of the last post, just saw yet another braggy (baggy) boomer- post ... kiddies, surprised yet?

Anyway, some senior seedy-greedy was boo-hooin', because he or she (or it, or what freaky ever) was down some quarter of a million dollars.  Uhm, yeah, houses are overpriced...hello!   And yeah, when you own more than one, maintenance and taxes don't come cheap either.  

But here's the deal:  these sorts of articles - and they are not uncommon - only serve to raise the spirit of covetousness.  Oh, and boomer, before you belch out yet another snarky remarky ... talk to Asaph ... ya know, that Choir Master, back in the Old Testament.  I.e., we're not talking about some dude or dudess who files,  and retrieves from those files, the music scrolls - noper roper ... Asaph was management, babah - not some data clerk (like me :):) 

Anyway, Asaph .... ASAPH!! got into a real funk - he was bummed out, because, all around him, boomers were braying large.  And if i'm not mistaken, this was around the time that the jetsetters, and jetsetter-wanabees, were cheapskating when it came to the temple.  

Back then, the Levites (the preachers, the decons, the choir, the organist and caretakers of the temple) didn't own land.  So, that means they didn't grow and sell oranges or build and sell fine furniture - godda have land (and natural resources) that you own - not the bank, not the landlord - to turn a good profit.  The temple job, just wasn't some Saturday-stint...uhm, no internet back then to order prewritten 15-minute sermonettes.  Temple work was full-time work.  Those men were dependent on what was put in the offering plate.

So, Asaph, our song-leading hero, was seeing the cheapskates sporting around in shiny new wagons, wearing yet another brand new set of duds.  So, yeah, Asaph was bummed out.  It's called the human condition.  So, if a really together man like Asaph can get real close to becoming seriously undone (wow, he almost came to the point of flipping off the Lord), where's that put the regular rest of us ... ya know, like NINETY percent of the population?  Hullo?

What am fixing to get it is:  while firmly believing in freedom of the press, am exercising that freedom of expression to simply say this:  those smug senior articles really, REALLY need to be seen for exactly what they are.

Bad freaking news.  These are people, who - by their smug-ars'd writings, evidently don't give a flying crap about the trouble they bring upon others - including the chinese, who slave in factories.   And by the way, young americans - burdened with job loss/debt, also read those posts.  

Human condition thing.  But young people have something we oldsters don't  - physical strength.   It's the old story, ya treat Bubba with common empathy, come winter, he'll shovel your driveway  - tick him off, a few too many times ... oh no, don't go there.

Btw, that January 6, 2021 incident, in DC, was a long time coming...surprised it didn't happen sooner.

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