Monday, March 8, 2021

The gush-fest continues...basically a wholelotta name-dropping (boyhowdy) going on. Coming from,

i guess, the intellectual channel.  Anyway, did hear a thought provoking sermon last night (yep, it happens :).  Anyway - and this wasn't the first time i heard a preacher say to his  Christian audience - this isn't the 1950s.  Back then, if you ran into an acquaintance, or even someone you don't really know that well, and asked that individual if he or she was saved, he or she pretty much knew what you were talking about; he or she - if lost and preferring to remain as such - most likely had either heard the Gospel from a relative / or had just seen a tract sitting on an end table while waiting to see the dentist.  Oh wait a sec, that was in October - chances are, there will a different tract come April.  It's March, and that certain Gospel tract was sitting on a small table - alongside the umbrella stand - over at the accountant's office.  

Back in the day, people who had no interest in Gospel tracts simply ignored them, or quietly put the tract in the office wastebasket.  No drama.  Decades ago, there was something called manners - even lost people (from not the best neighborhoods) knew the world - and the world's culture -  did not revolve around them.  (Run down neighborhoods were neither cool nor hip - what they were, was something to move away from - asap).  

Anyway the preacher cautioned his for-real Christ-following audience, to not assume that people are atleast partially familiar with often preached Bible phrases.  So, he said that if you ask someone if he or she is saved, he might reply, "saved from what?"  If you mentioned that Paul preached Christ's salvation from sin to the gentiles, you might hear, "Paul who?"

But it's 2021, and over at the boomer "mutual admiration society" (that comment was so on target ) they're gushing over and (not exactly) covert one-upping each other over this or that (likely reprobate) poet, novelist, actor, comedian...more like plain old buffoon (gaag) :/

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