Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Some stats from another boomer blog, about being old, female and living alone. Bet the red-pills get their jollies.

Anyway, aside of any red-pill drama, the stats go something like this: it's almost one out of five women, aged 65 and older, who live alone; for men it's about one out of ten.  As usual, there was a bit of a women-are-just-oppressed tone about the article - ya know, like being older, female and alone is  an automatic, and very deserved, reproach.  Seriously, like what's an old broad expected to do, to fit in (gaag) with societal expectations?  First off, as for fitting in, hey, an old broad is a  human being, not a pair of (fakey-fabric) pants.

Can not help but to strongly suspect resentment going around concerning old women - widows, especially - who are not only just f.i.n.e., fine living alone, it's almost a revolutionary - if not downright seditious - act (against the pro-evolutionary party)  to harbor no interest in pursuing "relationships" (i.e., fornication).  

Ew!  One comment to the article went something like this:  having a "relationship" but separate houses.  In other words, old bed buddies.  Double ew.  Sorry (not :) but if it's not a MARRIAGE then it's fake.  And if the spouses in the marriage don't put each other AHEAD of the kids - i.e., paperwork and such - then the marriage is fakey.  

Which is why this blogger is not interested in so much as a coffee date.  Number one:  age hasn't changed the mindset...and it's true - at the end of a gal's WORKday, guys are after one thing.   So, bedding some peewee makes no sense, and certainly is not worth spending an eternity in the Lake of Fire.  

And yeah i get it, not all old couples are sleeping together, but we live in very wicked times, where ... ew! is assumed.  No thanks, don't even want that appearance.  

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