Monday, March 1, 2021

Old brains are busy, making/maintaining new/er mental maps. Remembering

to hold onto the railing while navigating up or down the stairs.  While outside, keeping their (failing) eyesight for chuck-holes while rolling the wheel-barrow to that spot, where they'd left off working yesterday.  Old brains tell the body, hey einstein, you need to go sit in the shade for a few minutes - you're old enough to keel over from heart attack.  Old brains remind the arms to carefully take the box off the shelf (not just grab it any old way).  

And isn't it amazing, at the day's end, how much an old person is able to get done, on his or her own ;)  It's called, using one's noggin, and it's also called work ethic - yeah, the latter somehow not quite all there, in these quik-draw trivia-chase daze.  

Yep, there's more to brain activity than teevee game-shows.  There's books.  Books that don't prod/invalidate the reader into instantaneously absorbing the information therein.  As a matter of FACT, worthy writers expect the reader to take his or her time.  Worthy writers have put alot of research into their works, and they hope their contribution won't be forgotten - like last tuesday's teevee gameshow.  


  1. I used to love old people in my 30s in fact I had several members of the Silent generation as friends. The dark side of this is a lot of my friends died a long time ago. I don't know what is wrong with boomers of today? Not all our bad of course but the conservative ones seem to have no empathy. Did they just not see enough hardship? Their parents who struggled through WWII seemed to appreciate things and to have empathy, they wanted their young people to have better lives, now conservative boomers seem to just want to squish their own young screaming "you're a loser" even as they deny minimum wages that will actually pay the bills.

  2. Dear Peeps, among the older boomers were many who were the (America-bashing) hippies. So evidently 50 years hasn't changed them...still the entItled snot-brats, who think they know best (about areas - like government - which they really know nothing).
