Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Read somewhere, that back during the depression (1930s), people gave a higher percentage to the collection plate than nowadays.

First off, back then, most people (interested in Christ's offer of salvation from sin, or not really) went to church.  Back then, we were less mobile - we knew our neighbors, their families.  Back then, if you got sick/lost your job/had storm damage, had another child - and could barely feed and clothe the ones you already had...gubment programs were few and far between.  

Giving a portion of your hard-earned money to the local church, gave you say as to where it went, and what it went for.  Some of it supported the preacher and his family, so the preacher could focus his WORK hours on studying Scripture, and giving good long sermons - they didn't have back then.  You heard the Sunday one/s, and if you got the newspaper, you may have read one or two published, from the church across town, and the other church just over the county line.  Back then, sermons were preached to and for everybody in the church - from the brightest, to the not so bright.

Godda get ready.


  1. Just deleted a comment. Mr or ms copy-n-paste, at it again.

  2. No church could pay thousands of dollars for medication nowadays. They can't step up. Anyhow all the preachers got richer. Still remember the second IFB pastor's new truck as we drove up in our then falling apart rusted out van, and then he bugged us for money. LOL! I think life would be better with less fantasy sermons. Wish we heard sermons on reality instead. All that pie in the sky stuff, and thoughts and prayers and look at society now.
