Safety is one. No, not the stupid virus - the couple are in their 30s. What Joe was most concerned about was, could they wear their "make america great again" baseball caps, and not end up in the icu. Joe is no pansy, but neither does he have the muscle to, simultaneously, go up against a half dozen drugged-out thugs - waiting...before and after the event.
Getting there, and possibly staying over. The couple live a few hours away from the stadium, and are not sure what restaurants, hotels, shopping places would be open. A road trip is a mini-vaca, and vacas are special occasions for people who don't have a whole bunch of money. In short, why spend money at a nice restaurant, only to see the steak dinners served on plastic plates? What a let-down! Would the couple be able to get a room for the night, if they so decide, and without alot of hassle?
In short, too many questions...meh, can't blame 'em for staying home, and working on whatever home-improvement project.
Maybe they need their brains examined for supporting a man who has destroyed this country via Covid. I mean what is wrong with people? 120,000 dead isn't a wake up call?
Hmm working on home improvement project? Trumpsters are people with tons of expendable income....
ReplyDeleteYeah I kind of knew that.
Dear Peeps, yeah a guy gets hit by a mac-truck, and somehow the coroner's report lists covid as the cause of death. i'm being a bit silly here, but there's a cruel agenda behind the covid stats. All's i know is, this so-called pandemic has economically sodomized young people, and not so young people - many will not recover.
ReplyDeleteBut imagine how things would be if witchiepoo, or Bernie was our president...yikes.
The virus is real, I know someone who has had it and people who have lost family members. It's funny to me how the anti-NWO crowd things our world leaders are so cuddly, they wouldn't allow anyone to die. The right wing set is marching right where they want them, spreading the virus to cull the population and defacto genocide. Just look up what is happening to Arizona. it's Trump fault, remember Covefe? They are using the virus for a money clean-out and to hide their true fault in collapsing the economy and the USA dollar losing reserve status. The Christian evangelical conservative world has chosen evil, and has allowed Trump to destroy America. At least Bernie cared about people's economic well-being, Trump just wants everyone to go to the gutter. Just wait until the streets fill with hundreds of thousands or millions of homeless. Those who have never faced economic emergencies have no idea of the real world.
Deletethings should be thinks....