Monday, June 29, 2020

Sunday at church, during prayer requests, Mike had voiced his observation that, just under the surface, people are angry. Got me to thinking,

in day-to-day encounters, guess he's right, but i notice passivity - anger under pretty-pics-on-farcebook wraps.  Did see a funny cartoon, where the aliens (evil angels) are coming out of a flying saucer, ray-guns in hand.  One alien says to the other (something like) "you're right, nobody's noticing."  All around them, people are walking around, their heads bowed, their eyes on their smart-phones.

Could it be, people are basically afraid to actually communicate, face-to-face, for more than two minutes?  Afraid they might express an opinion, a facet of their lives - afraid that even talking about the weather might get twisted?   Here's a scenario: a brief, face-to-face conversation between two people, standing near one of the flower beds out on the plaza.  They're looking at the plants, discussing what they are.  And the one, not really meaning nothing, says something about the marigolds not quite belonging with some fancy greenery (the greenery obviously did not come from dollar-world).  The conversation politely ends, someone is rather offended.  By the way, neither had planted so much as a blade of grass in that garden.

Can't help but to suspect fear - of being spotted as rat in 454th place, by rat who happens to be in 437th place...neh, neh, neh... Every car on the road is a late model.  Most shine, and don't have one single dent.  How do people keep up with the payments - along with everything else?   And many of these drivers are older people, people who've...well, maybe not - have outgrown the godda-have-a-muscle-car phase.

Well, it's late, and 5am comes early.


  1. Honestly what is wrong with being angry now? Our lives have been destroyed by an Orange Sociopath, our joys taken away, our friends literally cut off from us. We can't even sit down for a nice dinner in a restaurant or go on a day trip. Be careful of the Christian programming that tells you emotions are WRONG and that you or other people are bad people for feeling a certain way. I think if people aren't angry now they probably are numbed out. One reason for this global pandemic, is all the fake religious and positive thinking that told people Negative thoughts were BAD, so they didn't watch out. They didn't do anything about a crazy man being president. They accepted evil.

  2. Dear Peeps, there's plenty of legit reasons to be angry. As for that be-positive-24/7, what a bunch of new-agey rubbish. Funny thing, simply mention going for a hamburg - wait about two seconds, then watch the snarles and fangs come out. It's almost funny.

    1. Glad you see the New Age be happy all the time to be false, they got some of that in prosperity gospel too. Yeah they got people too pushed time wise.
