He discussed how the congregation will amen sermons against fornicating, drinking, smoking, gambling, gossiping... But mention tithing, and the people stiffen up. Uh, yeah! Could it be, the men and women in the congregation - who do give sacrifically - are barely able to keep their bill's paid, and set aside for things like tires and tooth-fillings? The group he was preaching to generally are parents of more than one or two children - some have like six or eight.
All's i know is, the various stats around generally point to 20% of families are so strapped that a trip to the grocery store = an anxiety exercise. There is of course a white-washed term for it - food insecurity. In light of some one out of five adult americans between the ages of 18 and 65 in need of employment that actually affords lodging that doesn't smell funny, there's the pressure.
See that pressure anytime i drive. Rarely, do i see a clunker. It's like most the vehicles are late model, no dents for the most part, and they shine. Are people actually afraid to be seen driving a dented soda can (that runs safely)? Car payments suck the flour and the green beans out of the kitchen, the ammonia and soap powder from the utility shelf.
How do people afford it? Really! Not every driver is making $30 or more an hour. From what i gather, average annual income is around 60k - two and three bedroom lodging takes up about 15k - 25%, which the economists say a higher percent, like 30%, is financially crippling.
All's i know is, i get really tired of hearing how spoiled americans are - like we're supposed to apologize for not living in a cardboard box right alongside a running sewer. Uh no, our forefathers said nuts to those armpit places and got out of those hells-on-earth - ya know, the same sorts of places where multiple gods are kowtowed to, and there's graven images of 'em every freaking where. Yeah, funny how that works out, huh!
Godda roll.
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