Sunday, February 9, 2020

OK Boomer! Raises some thoughts. First off, accusations of young people

being lazy and feeling entitled.  Well, that goes like this:  in an economy where sustainable jobs are difficult to find / hold on to - and qualifying for jobs, that are basically glorified clerk typist positions means going THOUSAND$ into debt (when you're not even old enough to buy a pack of smokes) ...  Meanwhile, rents are insane and splitting expenses with a roommate...yeah, good luck with that drama. 

Young people are resentful???  Young people aren't stupid.  While, during childhood - and not quite able to articulate - tell me these 20 and 30-somethings didn't have a sense of possibly being less than welcome, of being in the way (while mom's moving in her boyfriend, and dad?...he's living somewhere in.. oh wait a sec, he's not there anymore).  How many young people lost a sibling?  Not to a car accident or a freak fever, but to a pre-planned (and inexpensive) appointment at the local moloch-mill. 

We've been a society which has been less than child-welcoming.  Predating the vapid for-the-children memes by several decades, there came out movies to separate the generations.  Prior to the late 60s, mom and dad could take their kid to a movie and not have to worry about language used or things done on-screen.  Back then, movies for adults were simply boring to children.  When the cop shot the crook, there was no detailed blood-scene - the bad guy just keeled over dead.  Hmmm, back then, more than a few producers and actors had served in the war, or had a brother of cousin who served - and saw things, and after so many years, still wasn't right in the head.

Nuts, getting late, got to get ready and roll.

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