way for tickey-tack burb-ville. You'd think there's be some rich person who would want that lovely 7-bedroom house. But no...i guess things like farm-houses, beautiful wooden stair-cases.. uh, too much like patriarchal.
So sad, way it is. Methinks, society - both rich and poor - is losing its mind.
well okay, "early" is stretching things a bit - and creating a new blog is hassle city.
Saturday, December 28, 2019
Oh brother, more Christ-less morality. An 18 year old can no longer buy a pack of smokes, but a nine year-old girl
can decide she is a he, and her male classmates best not say a peep if s-he starts using the boy's (is it still called that anymore?) bathroom.
Yeah, smoking is bad news for lungs. And smokers pay a big tax on their fav brand of leafy coffin-nails. We also pay more for life-insurance. Many health policies now offer discounts to people who don't smoke (something like 80% of the population), who don't eat cookies, and exercise religiously. Anyway, smoking or not is an adult's decision.
Seems not so with the gender-bender lobby - telling nine year-olds they can crash the other gender's bathroom, and get all sorts of pills. Uh, who's footing that bill? By the way - and it's hard to believe this - but i heard that a 15 year-old girl can get birth-control gear through Gov agencies - and her parents don't have to know about it.
Wanna talk about health? Giving out pills to kids, for no better reason than...oh just because, will come back and bite big-time long before those teens reach middle age.
Yeah, in my day (raspy old voice) kids were smoking, and except for a few drug-heads, the pills we got were for things like the flu, sprained muscles, stepping on a nail. For the most part, depression wasn't an issue. Dads and brothers taught pip-squeak jimmy how to sock a good one in the bully's pie-hole. And the school principal (usually a man) yeah, would have to have a talk, have to suspend jimmy for the day (while wanting to shake that skinny boy's hand, and tell him, "well done son.")
Nowadays, society is saddled with legions of busy-body spinsterish women, throwing their (excess) weight around, in areas women have no business old-biddying around in.
Yeah, smoking is bad news for lungs. And smokers pay a big tax on their fav brand of leafy coffin-nails. We also pay more for life-insurance. Many health policies now offer discounts to people who don't smoke (something like 80% of the population), who don't eat cookies, and exercise religiously. Anyway, smoking or not is an adult's decision.
Seems not so with the gender-bender lobby - telling nine year-olds they can crash the other gender's bathroom, and get all sorts of pills. Uh, who's footing that bill? By the way - and it's hard to believe this - but i heard that a 15 year-old girl can get birth-control gear through Gov agencies - and her parents don't have to know about it.
Wanna talk about health? Giving out pills to kids, for no better reason than...oh just because, will come back and bite big-time long before those teens reach middle age.
Yeah, in my day (raspy old voice) kids were smoking, and except for a few drug-heads, the pills we got were for things like the flu, sprained muscles, stepping on a nail. For the most part, depression wasn't an issue. Dads and brothers taught pip-squeak jimmy how to sock a good one in the bully's pie-hole. And the school principal (usually a man) yeah, would have to have a talk, have to suspend jimmy for the day (while wanting to shake that skinny boy's hand, and tell him, "well done son.")
Nowadays, society is saddled with legions of busy-body spinsterish women, throwing their (excess) weight around, in areas women have no business old-biddying around in.
Friday, December 27, 2019
Back in the late 80s, i'd see those "We're Spending Our Children's Inheritance"
bumper stickers on the back of some nice vehicles. These pee-pull were not boomers - since back then my age group was about 20 years away from the ez retIred life. The stickers easily raised that bad spirit of covetousness, but at the same time, i wanted to shout a resounding "right on!"
Now 30 years later, i am of retIrement age (ain't happening for quite awhile) and i think VERY differently. Buncha worldlings, that mmmeeeeeeist mentality is very much alive. Not that i am any great shakes Scripture wise, but it only makes sense, that if you blow all your money, and jack up your family...uh, says alot about your character.
Now 30 years later, i am of retIrement age (ain't happening for quite awhile) and i think VERY differently. Buncha worldlings, that mmmeeeeeeist mentality is very much alive. Not that i am any great shakes Scripture wise, but it only makes sense, that if you blow all your money, and jack up your family...uh, says alot about your character.
Monday, December 23, 2019
diSPELLing a vicious rumor - that king james I was queer. Over his lifetime on the throne,
it is said that he invited several men into his bedroom. It wasn't until a few months ago, that i had read that the king's bedroom was very secure. In the kings treasury room, if a guy snuck in and made off with a few bags of money or stole a few gold salad plates from the dining room hutch ... yeah whatever, lots more where that came from.
But an envelope containing a parchment or two. It's easier to hide that in your britches than a gold goblet. National security. Oh, and the palace had ears; some things were best said away from courtiers, servants, minstrels, mistresses...
Royals also moved once, maybe twice yearly. So, servants packing and unpacking stuff went on. Needless to say, it's one thing for a few silver spoons to get mislaid in the shuffle, documents concerning national security...uh, another story.
Until recently, i just assumed that king james was swishy. Believed the vicious rumor, i forgot about top secret papers, meetings and documents. Bet our President keeps top secret stuff in his bedroom.
As for the cranks who want to impeach our President, blow it out yer you-know-what!
But an envelope containing a parchment or two. It's easier to hide that in your britches than a gold goblet. National security. Oh, and the palace had ears; some things were best said away from courtiers, servants, minstrels, mistresses...
Royals also moved once, maybe twice yearly. So, servants packing and unpacking stuff went on. Needless to say, it's one thing for a few silver spoons to get mislaid in the shuffle, documents concerning national security...uh, another story.
Until recently, i just assumed that king james was swishy. Believed the vicious rumor, i forgot about top secret papers, meetings and documents. Bet our President keeps top secret stuff in his bedroom.
As for the cranks who want to impeach our President, blow it out yer you-know-what!
A certain decon was going on about how most, if not all, human art is unbiblical - that graven images of heroes, elves, maidens, wizards, is idolatry.
Was one reason she quit on the Lord. She said it was too constraining to not be able to do art. Thing is, 'rrtteests generally take themselves wwaaay too seriously...as if the planet would cave in without so-n-so's (homespun, and rather mediocre) aarrrt. Frankly, following Christ isn't fun. Thing is, life isn't supposed to be fun. Hard truth is: denying self is really difficult, at best. What gripes me most about most preechers is: they act like doing godly things is easy, like they're above falling for fleshly lusts - ya know, not always the gross stuff like drinking and sleeping around. Worldly lusts can be good things, like working high-level math problems or cultivating high-end roses.
i seriously doubt that i am the only person who struggles. Struggles with the Biblical fact that what i think, or care to blog ... these things ultimately do. not. matter. one. iota. Because, frankly, i. do. not. matter. Only the Lord Himself matters.
i seriously doubt that i am the only person who struggles. Struggles with the Biblical fact that what i think, or care to blog ... these things ultimately do. not. matter. one. iota. Because, frankly, i. do. not. matter. Only the Lord Himself matters.
Saturday, December 7, 2019
"It's better to give, than receive." Oh, shut the eff up, ms.beltwaychurchian. Kindly, take yer smug attitude and shove it already.
Oh, and that lovely winter coat you have on, uh looks rather new...like the car you drive. Bet ya have three nice winter coats and several pairs of leather, cashmere lined gloves. Yeah, isn't it so typical, how people who run that sing-songee line don't go around in winter coats with threadbare linings - or drive vehicles that are older than the average mechanic.
Holidays,,,ugh! It's been a rough year. And frankly, what i want to give as a gift is that beautiful heavy cotton king size bedspread to ME for christmas - and i don't even sleep in that big bed. But i want that lovely bedspread anyway - something nice to leave in my will.
And i want the stainless steel, stove top coffee pot AND the stainless steel tea pot. Talking several hundred dollars; the quality items are worth every penny. As soon as that catalog comes....nuts to this and that cchhhaaarrrity. It's my turn. Selfish? You betcha!
Holidays,,,ugh! It's been a rough year. And frankly, what i want to give as a gift is that beautiful heavy cotton king size bedspread to ME for christmas - and i don't even sleep in that big bed. But i want that lovely bedspread anyway - something nice to leave in my will.
And i want the stainless steel, stove top coffee pot AND the stainless steel tea pot. Talking several hundred dollars; the quality items are worth every penny. As soon as that catalog comes....nuts to this and that cchhhaaarrrity. It's my turn. Selfish? You betcha!
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