can decide she is a he, and her male classmates best not say a peep if s-he starts using the boy's (is it still called that anymore?) bathroom.
Yeah, smoking is bad news for lungs. And smokers pay a big tax on their fav brand of leafy coffin-nails. We also pay more for life-insurance. Many health policies now offer discounts to people who don't smoke (something like 80% of the population), who don't eat cookies, and exercise religiously. Anyway, smoking or not is an adult's decision.
Seems not so with the gender-bender lobby - telling nine year-olds they can crash the other gender's bathroom, and get all sorts of pills. Uh, who's footing that bill? By the way - and it's hard to believe this - but i heard that a 15 year-old girl can get birth-control gear through Gov agencies - and her parents don't have to know about it.
Wanna talk about health? Giving out pills to kids, for no better reason than...oh just because, will come back and bite big-time long before those teens reach middle age.
Yeah, in my day (raspy old voice) kids were smoking, and except for a few drug-heads, the pills we got were for things like the flu, sprained muscles, stepping on a nail. For the most part, depression wasn't an issue. Dads and brothers taught pip-squeak jimmy how to sock a good one in the bully's pie-hole. And the school principal (usually a man) yeah, would have to have a talk, have to suspend jimmy for the day (while wanting to shake that skinny boy's hand, and tell him, "well done son.")
Nowadays, society is saddled with legions of busy-body spinsterish women, throwing their (excess) weight around, in areas women have no business old-biddying around in.
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