Monday, December 23, 2019

A certain decon was going on about how most, if not all, human art is unbiblical - that graven images of heroes, elves, maidens, wizards, is idolatry.

Was one reason she quit on the Lord.  She said it was too constraining  to not be able to do art.  Thing is, 'rrtteests generally take themselves wwaaay too if the planet would cave in without so-n-so's (homespun, and rather mediocre) aarrrt.  Frankly, following Christ isn't fun.  Thing is, life isn't supposed to be fun.  Hard truth is: denying self is really difficult, at best.  What gripes me most about most preechers is: they act like doing godly things is easy, like they're above falling for fleshly lusts - ya know, not always the gross stuff like drinking and sleeping around.  Worldly lusts can be good things, like working high-level math problems or cultivating high-end roses.

i seriously doubt that i am the only person who struggles.  Struggles with the Biblical fact that what i think, or care to blog ... these things ultimately do. not. matter.  one. iota.  Because, frankly, i. do. not. matter.  Only the Lord Himself matters.

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