i have a hard time with that one. Seeing how worldlings cheat one another - even among family members. My late mother-in-law had received a decent inheritance from a friend whom she had cared for. About 100k - and it was gone, inside of two years. Husband said she had been sweet-talked out of it. Guess that sort of thing runs in the family. He and his two brothers had to pony up the funeral expense. She had nothing, not even a small life-insurance policy. That went away from non-payment of premium. There was some spite, yeah that runs in families too.
All my adult life, and even in my teens - though i never made much, i always paid my bills on time, and managed to put some away. Evidently, that stirs resentment.
Basically, i am being pulled six ways to Sunday, and i greatly fear that i will go under. The WOLVES are eating me alive. If it weren't for the knowledge that the Lord has put me in the fiery furnace for His glory, and for my good, i would be a total basket case.
Oh i fear having to accept charity, not too far down the road. i am a proud person, and we know what the Scriptures say about that.
Last night i was listening to a sermon, about King David on the run, and his enemies (and toxic friends?) round about... and the Lord's comforting and validating words to David - that his enemies were whack, and on their way to....eeyuk! Those Scriptures were both comforting and not. i am certainly nowhere near King David's league.
Having read of some of his experiences, he had undergone a deep sense of betrayal and exceeding loneliness. Yeah, i get that. i am fixing to distance myself from a friend of 40 years, because when she comes around, she brags about her easy retIred life; recently she made a comment that 10k wasn't a big deal. So i best avoid her because my long-fused propensity to eventually pop off and tell her to go eff herself. She don't need that, because to do so is bad witness on my part.
Yeah, surprise-surprise, saved people can be every bit as crude and annoying as lost people. Difference is: lost people can come up with numerous plausible/clever reasons, while saved people have NO excuse EVER popping off four-letter words. Saved people know this, while lost people justify themselves in telling ole braggart to shove th' fleck off.
i want to go home, the worldlings make life a real drag - not only for saved people, but lost people also.
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