Tuesday, November 26, 2024

DNA set-up. These red-pills sound like a bunch

of old karens, going on how every infant should be DNA tested.  Maybe  these "soft" era guys are just plain miffed; falling short of getting to first base - let alone, upstairs.

But all quips aside.

When those ancestry testing kits came out, people were taking the bait, left and right - and still are.  Is loading up a central DNA database a smart idea?  Just asking...

Monday, November 18, 2024

Oh wait, it gets even more ridiculous.

Jasper wasn't done with slamming his ex-wife's body.  He pummeled her intellect.  This man - who brays on about men's natural clear, rational thought-processes, as compared to women's emotional-driven muddle - didn't he at least have some idea, while dating this woman, that her interest in (high faluting) literature was either lacking, or non-existant.  He went on to claim, that women don't read - none of them.  His statement is probably quite accurate - women aren't reading his (choice of) books. 

He's a writer.  But hey, on the internet, we can possess any talent we choose.  He wasn't done.  He went on to claim, he was of at least two standard deviations, (something like 30 points) on the iq chart, above her score.  Oh, if that wasn't a red flag (if not a heathen lie), he went on to comparing her - along with most, if not all, other women - as retarded.  He defined the term - a score of 70 (or less).

Here's where it gets laughable.  He ended his post, inviting women interested in possibly corresponding with, and maybe, dating him, to get in touch.

Thursday, November 14, 2024

Women are expensive? More like, the same old story:

Jasper wants her all slender and submissive - while she holds onto that terrific position at work. There's ten others who'd like to reign from that corner office - so, if she is going to keep that coveted seat, she'll have to act accordingly.  That means taking upon herself (besides 60 hours a week) masculine qualities - those which women, generally, don't wear so well.  Those same, more often than not, will just eventually wear her out - if not into plus sizes.

Jasper was going on, over the internet, that he and his (now ex-) wife hadn't slept together, for ten years - for she had become fat, from take-out, or meals delivered.  Doesn't fast food tend to hitch rides with 60 hour work weeks - hello?  Ten years.  Evidently, there was a point in time when she had begun losing interest.  Perhaps, after their first, or second child was born. Oh, let's assume, not long after their honeymoon  - let's give the red-pills some slack.  Yeah, women tend to get turned off by ... one-minute-wilber.

He then goes into the typical it's-not-fair whine, concerning the divorce settlement.  Uhm, dude?  Somehow, despite her work hours, AND taking care of the kids, scheduling the appointments, calling the accountant, the mechanic, the lawn guy...  It's not his personal leave balance that takes a hit, whenever the kid happens to sneeze at daykare (at $300 a week, per child). Those ever nipping details, aren't crowding his feet.  As the benefactor of his (former) wife-appliance's free labor - any wonder he was able to focus, and make the some 800k yearly salary.

Godda get to work.  Bye.

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Earlier today, in real life.

Hadn't put anything out for supper, so had stopped at a small restaurant in town.  The cook, a young guy, was talking to another customer.  The gal, he was talking to, and her friend, were both young - about thirty.  The cook had gone on a date (with a woman).  His date is studying a foreign language (smart move) and is also studying law.  He didn't get through college - college (debt) isn't for everyone.  So, this isn't a dint on the young late-20s guy.  As for college, i didn't go either, high school's academic demands were enough - thank you kindly.

What this post is about: Hooray for the woman going to school, to study the hard stuff - that will get her a well-paying job, so she's not carrying college debt into her forties.  Hooray for her, she'll not only be able to have her own bag, but carry a nice one.  

But there's a hefty price for that - if she wants children.  Kids take so much time from the highly competitive...shark tank.  If she gives up the job and stays home, that spells depending on a man.  Sadly, not smart...twenty years down the road, rusty, outdated job skills, and having to work the customer service grind.  So, she, wisely, keeps working, but has no other choice but to park her kids in ... the junior shark tanks , called daycare and public school.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Punished for not generating mountains of trash.

Should this come as a surprise, for those of us who aren't throwing away mass quantities of fast food containers?  Trash bill for 2025 will double; the by-the-bag option is being cancelled, the new low volume option doesn't cost much less than the regular.  $8 per quarter less, that's it. Oh well, guess ecology-conservative folks have to kick in for the junk food crowd.  Oh well, is what it is.

Seeing that announcement, first thing to hit, was having less money to buy new (unwrapped) cds - from REAL musicians.  There's people out there who play old music (from long, long ago), and they have to buy groceries, like anyone else.  (So into 60s music - 1360s.)

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Quiet censorship. Was browsing for a book. A well known one, written by John Knox.

So, assumed :) it would an easy find.  Shortly into the search, discovered that finding the some 100 page article, published in hardback, wasn't going to happen.  (Why's everything have to be in paperback :/)  Okay, was ready to concede, life goes on.   The first one available, was basically abridged into modern english.  Come on already!  It isn't like scottish people wrote in chinese 500 years ago.  Continued the search, found another, but someone in the reviews said the copy was AI written, and the spelling was ... messed up.  While can deal with misspelled words, can't trust AI.  Sounds more like a secularized NIV operation going on.  So, glad to have been at least smart enough to read the reviews - yeah, some $12 bucks, is $12 bucks.  So, will hold off.  Maybe the old bookstore may have a (PRE-AI) copy.  Might end up costing $40 - $40 well spent.

Must get back to work.

Friday, November 1, 2024

She needs to offload that jasper. What she doesn't need,

are busy bodies (usually women) telling her how to handle a situation not their own - namely, dealing with the ongoing drama of a 40 year old tottler who refuses to man up and get a job.  And keep at it.  These smug little ... witches neither take into consideration, family nor societal background.  It's common enough knowledge that, number one, there are way too many parents who simply can't be bothered to teach their kids - their daughters, especially - to set and maintain boundaries.  In other words, if jasper won't trouble himself to come to the door, but instead remains on his duff honking his horn - bad sign.  Seventeen year old girls are clueless, and need things expounded, slowly, in simple language.  

By the way, that marriage ended back in the mid '70s; the jasper - whose claim to fame was a muscle car and his glory days playing high school football - was more focused on boozing than on working.  All's i know is, jasper's wife didn't earn enough money, as a secretary, to maintain the trailer payments, lot rent (which, half a century ago, was like $60 a month) heating fuel, groceries...  Think the last straw was jasper's tantrum - but anyway, wasn't there.

Could have been worse, she could have ended up baby-TRAPPED by ... that.  But instead, several years later, she married up.  That is, she married smart. Oh, and she kept on working, going to bed at respectable hours, and getting the promotions - because she did the research and checked the figures.

And yeah, there's the judgies (more busy bodies) ranting against birth control pills - which do,  in fact, cause abortion; life does, in fact, begin at conception.  That all said, what doesn't get said enough is: will those same busy bodies open their wallets - instead of their smug little yaps?  Diapers aren't cheap.