Monday, February 12, 2024

Well, that was convicting enough. Yesterday, heard a sermon from Lester Roloff,

in it, he basically flat out said, there's something wrong with "able bodied" women who don't practice hospitality.  Yep, women like me - who don't care, at all, for such home invasions.  Yea, i know, very flawed, because in reading the Bible, there's barely any margin for "introverts" - that's just a whitewashed word for plain old, "selfish."  

Am blogging this because, people need to know that the Bible upsets even believers in the Word.  Alot of people, think Christians are all happy-clappy, praisey-maisey whenever reading the Scriptures, or hear for-real preaching (not the Joe Ughsteen fluff-stuff).  

Not so, because the Bible says, and especially as a widow, am supposed to practice hospitality - as in, invite the less fortunate into my home; people i don't even know - and, frankly, don't care to keep company with dullards and hardlucks.  

Just saying.


  1. This is one reason I never fit in the conservative church world they all huge families and lace-covered tables with plenty of unchipped glasses and settings. It required a level of money I didn't have. Also this guy isn't living in the real world, most of us talk to our female friends online. I wouldn't mind having more people over, but when you can't afford the dinner parties or don't have the space, money it's ot happening. Invite the wrong people that can go really badly. That's against other stuff in there about avoiding the wicked. I'm kind of done with churches, the liberals were nicer to me at the UU, but don't see me going back to that world where I'm the poor one and only one living in an apartment. Yeah I was the only woman living in an apartment at two IFBs and a Calvary Chapel. I wonder what the means. I think one older lady may have lived in assisted living. most poor people leave the churches they can't afford them.

    1. Dear Peeps, yep these boomers would do better to read their bibles - ya know, the part where they take the Lord's supper, but turn it into a party/brag-fest (1 Corinthians 11:21-22). It's about every other sunday, somebody in their 70s is going on about taking or having returned from a trip abroad - is church really the place to gab about such? It's like they've little to no mind for the conditions of other people around them.
