Monday, February 12, 2024

Well, that was convicting enough. Yesterday, heard a sermon from Lester Roloff,

in it, he basically flat out said, there's something wrong with "able bodied" women who don't practice hospitality.  Yep, women like me - who don't care, at all, for such home invasions.  Yea, i know, very flawed, because in reading the Bible, there's barely any margin for "introverts" - that's just a whitewashed word for plain old, "selfish."  

Am blogging this because, people need to know that the Bible upsets even believers in the Word.  Alot of people, think Christians are all happy-clappy, praisey-maisey whenever reading the Scriptures, or hear for-real preaching (not the Joe Ughsteen fluff-stuff).  

Not so, because the Bible says, and especially as a widow, am supposed to practice hospitality - as in, invite the less fortunate into my home; people i don't even know - and, frankly, don't care to keep company with dullards and hardlucks.  

Just saying.

Now, that was a sermon! New on the sidebar, "Children in the Pulpit,"

given by Pastor Robert Rubino.  He hails from Brooklyn.  In this sermon, he preached from the first half of Isaiah, Chapter 3, and explains how equality turns to ... swill.  And yeah, people who didn't bother to do their homework are likely to throw a temper tantrum - eh, Reality does that.

Oh well, break's over.  Bye :)

Thursday, February 1, 2024

They wait till the last minute to send their bill.

Yep, that time of year again :/   A ploy to get you to get your to (somehow) find your bill over the email, then charge it, on-line.   Even the agent had said, how e-bills can "get lost."  Seriously, a lot of folks have so much (financial) stress going on...uhm, that happens - and boy, if you are on a debtor's plan, one late bill, and they'll sock it to ya.  (And we thought the prudie victorian upper-class were harsh to the poor - hah, those snooties are still around.)   Anyway, these days, corporations don't want to deal with envelopes, paper statements, and - oh horrors - receiving checks.  Well too bad, there will be more paper arriving to them - in a big hard mailer; the two-day delivery package.  Have just over two weeks, but want it there asap, because lots of folks prefer to stay in their jimmy-jams, (wouldn't want to be caught DEAD in a pair of those :( and only go into the office, once weekly...if that.

Yep, old school here :)