Monday, January 29, 2024

If i was lost, would have been mad as heck while taking a seat in church yesterday.

While people were filing in, heard a conversation from a few rows behind me.  Yeppers, another boomer/silent gen couple were going on about having gone abroad.  Some people have the money for that sort of thing, and barely sweat a molecule when the car insurance arrives.  Anyway, the green demon overheard the convo too, and had managed to gettwo or three slimey words in my ear.  Well, like the last time, just calmly, politely told ole greenie to git.

Thing is, can empathize with younger people, who don't have a pension plan where they work - and frankly, aren't sure if their (rather shabbily paying) job will be around later in the year.  As for social security? That's anyone's guess :/  While i enjoy listening to Dave Ramsey, it's hard to put away 1/5 of your gross, when you can barely put food on the table/pay the (insane) rent.

What rattled around my mind, and still is: what if i was 30 or 40 years younger, and unsaved?  Would i had just sat there half simmering through the service, then left...never to return to that, or any other Bible church?  (The one or two niv-ish per sermonette "churches" don't even factor - they're just sunday morning socials.)  Would that of happened?

That sort of thing happened, a few times, to another blogger.  She (and her husband both) struggling financially, had gone to a Bible church, and heard similar clubbishness.  This went down a few years ago; guess it's been two or three years, she has decided to identify as agnostic.  Well yeah!  Turned off people tend to go that direction.  Sad, sad, because the lady read the Scriptures; she'd a separate blog, and it was quite evident, she did her homework.  She's smart too.

Bet she's not the only agnostic (or non) who'd witnessed the same.  Come to think of it, there's a sermon i'd recently heard that addresses how people get turned off at church.  When the Scriptures aren't really taken serious, or just plain twisted for the sake of the cool kids' agenda....  Anyway, getting off here, to go find that sermon, and post it on the sidebar. 

Bye, for now :)


  1. Yeah around here they all travel abroad. I'm poorer then everyone. Times are bad now, Ive had to go back to the food lines. My husband is aging, at least he got more stringer work. I wanted to go into put things in storage mode, go in rental room but maybe hes more realistic, can't have a severe disabled woman living in someone's house. One bathroom accident and I'd be out of there pronto. Cheap places often up long flights of stairs. My old UU they were all traveling like mad during Covid, overseas, even the pastor went to Eygpt and one other place, I thought if we have this big bad pandemic aren't you afraid of getting sick overseas? BTW I finally ripped off masks in Oct went back to normal life. All the vaxxed are getting sick constantly. I can't wear the masks anymore, they were making me ill. They travel a lot here. Some are nice and show vacation photos to me, I like talking about other places. I couldn't walk or do any of the stairs. One lady who went to Amsterdam who I am friends with facebook, she told me the walking was so hard and constant stairs. I kind of hate hotel rooms too, always full of bugs and noise and uncomfortable beds. Maybe that will help green monster.

    I don't know if you mean me here, don't mind, I do believe in God now, but wouldn't fit in a normal Christian church but if I am watching Smakitosh and Revelation of Jesus Christ maybe that means something. All the scary stuff I used to post on my bible prophecy conspiracy blog coming true, wonder if some past readers are freaked out if they remember what I used to post on. I can still see the blog, its just taken from public view. In 2014 I actually wrote they will use a plague to unite the world. I hope whatever God there is hope He made some use of my time and maybe some took warnings serious. Maybe they bugged out and are happy for it. I left the UU saying I can't do woke and was talking about Jesus Christ again, and had a Christian moment at UU women's club when they got out the tarot cards and I kind of snuck off Zoom uncomfortable. Husband still goes. I do wonder if this is a prison planet, we are ruled by Satanists, I got that right when I had that blog. Sometimes still wonder why God allowed all this bad stuff to happen, a lot makes no sense to me. I refused the poison pokes you know, now this wasn't all from me, there was a warning from ABOVE, if you get my drift, even for very spiritually messed up me. All the preachers here are awful, not one NWO aware one among them. The only sincere one I had, left IFB and became a truck driver. He is still a Christian but I think gave up on churches. I still struggle with hell and probably have some unconventional beliefs, but we are definitely in a spiritual battle.

  2. Dear Peeps, sadly, most churches are a waste of time, and money. Have heard, there's people who have to drive MILES in order to attend a real one. And not all of us have the gas money - or are, otherwise able to take these long trips. (i don't like to drive, and only do so, when absolutely necessary).
