Monday, January 22, 2024

Haven't seen the following questions addressed on the internet - so, i'll do the asking. At FirstKultQuiverFullChurch, the preeecher was going on,

that is, after the couples assembled, having had x-amount of kids...  Anyway, the preacher was going on about why the state has no business expecting its citizens (or non-citizens) to apply for marriage licenses.  Hopefully, the church (?) flies a big RED flag.  But whether or not, they've atleast the common grace to post a clear warning, right outside their building, here are some questions:

After all those kids - from tottler to teen - what is to become of the children if the marriage ends in divorce?  Am not a lawyer, so that's just another reason for asking.  Are there more lawyer hours involved when the splitting-up couple doesn't have a marriage license.  And yeah, one doesn't have to be married by the state to be granted child support.  But what about the custodial parent's (mom) living arrangements?  If mom and kids are kicked out of the on earth is she to provide a roof over her four or more kids?  Child support pays for food and clothing; it is not designed to fund rental expense.  In short, if you're not married by the state, dad can show mom and kids the door, then move in his girlfriend.

But what if the couple stays together, till death do part?  If their union isn't recognized by the state, what about survivor's benefits?  What about the property, wills, cds, life insurance and such - that is, if jasper had the forethought, the concern... :/  Probate is expensive - about 6k, and it takes about a year.  It's enough to be heartbroke when your "partner" dies... but to be left broke (because jasper was simply being jasper) that's unconscionable - plain and simple.


  1. That church probably teaches no social security cards too. Wonder whose going to pay that person's bills if they are disabled, sure church would not. Some of us have to live in the world. They seem to be shredding marriage like some liberals. Did you know in Ireland they are trying to do away with marriage and call it durable relationships?

  2. And the same goes with survivor's benefits. If the marriage is not registered with the government, the surviving spouse will be faced with legal fees and inheritance taxes - that is: if peewee had even bothered himself to provide such.
