Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Was reading somewhere, if the average woman's s3x-drive is about a four, a man's is

about an eleven or twelve.  Have heard more than two or three for-real Christian men say, it's a struggle to not look at, or think about, young attractive women - and that if women had a clue what men were really thinking, the pretty ladies would hotfoot it over to the nearest hardware store, for a good length of tarp.  Not the exact words, but close enough. While for-real Christian men (and women) strive to put the breaks on their baser natures (s3x/videos, junk food...stupid choices in general), where's this leave non-christians?

Anyway, maybe that desire, that won't - for more than two minutes - leave men alone, raises up the unclean spirit of Resentment towards women - especially, women with "body counts" higher than four or five.  Oh my!  The real disgust is the lack of compassion.  Most "304s" were raised - or not - by selfish parent/s, and likely are stuck, and have no idea, whatsoever, to get themselves unstuck.  

Sure, there are double standards - gals can emote about this, that, and the other, while guys are expected to just cowboy up, hold it in, and get on with the business of life/leadership.  Ask any supervisor...  But these red-pillers don't want to lead.  Hear them tell... they sound like a gaggle of premenopausal "whamen" from the data entry pool - who's social life is about on par with their 401k balance.   Really pathetic.

"And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear ?"  I Peter 4:18

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