Friday, July 21, 2023

Lecturing other women about their wanting "me time" ... oh the nerve :/

Thing is, "me time" is likely to happen, when you're fortunate enough to live in a (probably paid for) spacious home, and the wife of a man who knows how to fix things / has a solid job history.  When you've plenty of cupboard space, your kitchen is a breeze to work in and keep tidy - stuff won't tumble out, because the pooch just happened to pad on by, on his (or her) way to his food and water, placed just everso, in a wide corner in the adjoining utility room.  There, upon, one of several shelves / cupboards sits pooch's food, just everso, in a sealed plastic container.  Alongside, are other doggie things - extra bowls, a few old bath/kitchen towels, pet shampoo, some medicine, maybe a new toy or two to replace the old ones.

Time doing laundry is cut into easy-peasy pieces, when there's a long table to sort and fold the family's clothing and linens; and there's plenty of space for the laundry cart on wheels.  And yeppers, kiddos, plenty of space for the detergents, soaps, bleach, softener, brushes.  

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, this well married housewife is presently cutting a watermelon - a big one (good luck with that in a cramp-ars'd apartment or trailer). Plenty of empty, lovely, counterspace.  Oh, and did i mention, if it weren't for the rainstorm happening outside, she'd be cutting it out on the old wooden table that sits beside... yep, another long, wide, stays-clean :) cabinet, on the breezy patio.  

Everything spacious, handy, and lovely.  Small wonder, she's most her housekeeping and gardening chores done, by around 11am.   At the risk of that fine lady  (seriously) coming over here and kicking my butt, i'm going to let out her secret to success.  She gets up around 5:30 am.  By the way, if any red-pills happen to be slithering about, the remainder of her WORK day is spent either sewing (maybe a shirt, maybe a petticoat) or recycling some old curtains or towels for use elsewhere in the house or shed.  When you've a family, (and not just yer awesome self) things get used up. Yep, red-pills, ya think the couple was able to own all that lovely acreage through years of careless spending?  She also knits, things like baby blankets, throws, scarves, hats.  

And yeah, on some afternoons, she'll pass an hour or two practicing on the piano or studying Scripture.  During other afternoons, she's busy rearranging this, going through that, or some other thing, before staring yet another lovely homemade dinner.  At around fourish, it's up the steps for a relaxing bath, followed by putting on a nice dress - her husband arrives home around 5:30ish.

Oh, almost forgot to mention, that big branch that came down during last week's storm?  Well, not much harm done - thankfully, but the lady of the manor had to step through a bramble mess to get into the back entrance way of their little greenhouse ... for about a week.  Yep, her husband's busy season; he told her to call Fit-N-TrimTrees - the mess was gone, as if the storm had raged elsewhere.

"Me time?"  She has that.  As anyone should.  Uhm... for plain old sanity's sake.  Sadly however, i cannot help but to notice, within the Christian community, that women are,  right and left, getting scowled and guilted (oh, that's a big shock) for wanting some time here and there to .... well, to breath, maybe even think ... imagine  that :/

"And hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy : thou hast set my feet in a large room."  Psalm 31:8

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