Monday, July 31, 2023

It's like five minutes after roeVwade was taken off the table, the one-sided moralists ... can ya spell

"Pharisees" - all jumped on their keyboards, attacking the character of single moms.  Okay, so katie messed up ... it's a human thing.   Funny, not funny, thing is, katie could have gotten an airbus ticket to another state.  But she didn't, instead she had her baby, and is raising the little one.  And she has to deal with consequences - namely, financial hardship, and forgetabout social life.   Baby-daddy, of course, has moved on, but not fast enough; domestic relations is on his tail.  Predictably, he's presently hemoting all over one or more of his favorite red-pill sites - but it wasn't like katie had put a gun to his head.

So, if katie is ... oh horrors, unmarriagable, what are baby-daddy's future marital prospects?  Should he get a free pass, because boys will be boys?  

But ladies, if you want to scowl katie, have at it - while shoving that (bortish) diamond ring in the faces of single moms.  Thing is, who's to say your king-prize won't get another call - two or three years - down the road, to take another dna test.   Baby-moms, signing up for welfare may or may not have to name the father; but welfare doesn't pay much; so it only makes sense to get off welfare, and get a job.  But welfare to work is neither easy, nor quick; starting off at $14 an hour...  Yep, and the pre-covid rent had gone up; she'd scheduled an appointment with domestic relations - which probably took some time - even with everyone working on-site - to get the paperwork through.  

So ya think yer better than ditched "304" katie, being the Wife of her baby-dady...and he's going to do better by awesome low body-count you??    Uhm, he tried bailing on his own flesh and blood.  Hon, hope you have a well paying job, because if your husband gets behind on his CS, that obligation doesn't go away; left unpaid, it collects interest due.   Could impact marital assets.  Maybe the 5k premium prenup, you had baby-daddy sign will serve as a wall.  Maybe, then again, maybe not - might want to call your attorney.

Sounds like a case of waiting for the other shoe to drop.   All's i know is: yaay science :)

Scoffers gonna scoff - bet they're a world of joy to supervise.

The remark was the predictable " spaghetti" or whatever.  Anyway, the remark was rather out of turn; the guy's video wasn't about creation vs evolution - was more about property taxes, home maintenance and generally dealing with things as they are.  But yesterday, listened to a sermon, and the preacher clarified some things.  First off, the "so called science" lovers go on about evidence, but it's all in vain; when you present evidence, that's all around - the four elements of dna have to line up, and curl around, just everso; if just two or three, out of a hundred, don't line up properly...problems.  Anyway, dear Christian (who happens to major/work in biology) just go talk to the wall... and save yourself scoffers' tantrums.  And you too, sir, who takes care of the telescope; yeah, yeah, your studies have shown, time and time again, the whole layout of stars and planets, shows - even in secular articles (especially, when digging through what the footnotes actually report) that star systems have to be just everso... 

In short, take a tip from that difficult person in your life; you know the one you need avoid, because, no matter how cooperative, kind you are to that person, nothing you do or say, is ever satisfactory.  Some people are just a pain in the neck, because they choose to create drama - then, turn around, and blame you.  That's how unbelief works.  The preacher said, it starts out as simply intellectual discussion, then gets emotional, then regresses further to insults; and finally actual harm - be that in the form of one's reputation or physical self.  Like difficult people do, they suck out all the oxygen, then suck you in; next thing you know, you're waxing Nabal.  Any wonder the Bible tells believers to steer clear ...?

"Now the name of the man was Nabal, and the name of his wife was Abigail; and she was a woman of good understanding, and of a beautiful countenance : but the man was churlish and evil in his doings ; and he was of the house of Caleb."  I Samuel 25:3

"He is proud, knowing nothing, but doting about questions and strifes of words, whereof cometh envy, strife, railings, evil surmisings, 
Perverse disputings of men of corrupt minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain is godliness : from such withdraw thyself."  I Timothy 6:4-5

Friday, July 28, 2023

Considering some profiling activity going on ... the big elephant in the living room,

he might be red-pill.  But regardless, the man had put in 30 years at the warehouse, only to discover, he had NO pension.  Evidently, some stock market activity had gone down - something about, when an entity gets into financial trouble, the top-tier stock holders get rewarded for bad business decisions,  and everyone else gets ... nuts and bolts, up the ...   By the way, saw a program, some years back, concerning wall street's early days; there was some old money who wanted no parts of it, likened it to gambling.

Anyway, the man went off, ranting and yelling.  Well i guess so!  And i guess, he was in his early 60s, maybe late 50s.  Per the profiling activity, on several other videos, probably, not in the best of health.  And per the profiling, likely had played (key word) daddy-rich, didn't save... Now he's stuck; social security isn't - that was only meant as a supplement.   And if there's unpaid child support ... yep, a BIG reason, why keeping the body-count low is gender-inclusive.

But regardless of his off-the-clock life, when he signed on, all those decades ago, he thought the job came with a pension.  Oh, perhaps, he failed to read the fIIIne print...ya know, sleep with one eye open ... every night, for the past thirty bleeping years.  Some boomer came off with the typical social darwinistic "fine print" shiola.  Oh, are we surprised :/

Hear the boomers bray, on their retIrement videos, of their 2 millionish portfolios, and their 50k-ish money market accounts. Have ro wonder,

what the percentage is of these fortunate people who had received an inheritance 10 or 15 years ago (from parents who remained committed to their wedding vowels).  Even 100k can grow, if put away (instead of blown on fake-rich vacas).  Any wonder, young people (so hampered with student debt) hate boomers; can't really blame the young folks - many of whose parents will leave them nothing, because the vacas/divorces rob both genders (basic arithmetic).  An inheritance, put away to grow interest, is a good leg-up, for later in life, when health issues may not allow one to keep working.  

All's i know, are several people, with lots of money; they had parents, who actually thought enough of their children, to forgo silly vanities, in favor of laying up funds for their children/'s children.  One widow had 70 acres of land, of which her five children inherited; that's 14 acres per kid.  Land values around here?  Probably about a half million per kid.  Another received, from his father, acres of some ranch out west.  Still another, is the son of a doctor - his widowed mother had thousands, just laying around her (long paid up) house.  That little snippet of info had been announced, by one of the heirs-to-be, right in the face of a wastrel 's widow, who had, maybe 2k - if that - to her name.  Definitely, a what-th'-hey-just-happened! moment.

Shift fixing to start.  Wanna grow some money.  Bye :)

"A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children's children : and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just."  Proverbs 13:22

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Guy was complaining that his wife needs to lose the weight. Could it be

stress pounds at work.  At work, because of the usual.  The rain storm last week left the basement wet, and smelly.  Yeah, the house could stand some decent spouting, put in by professionals.  But we know the name of that tune - good jobs, done by reputable contractors, charge good money; and guess who isn't willing to part with bass-boat money!  By the way, ole "two-ton" Tess is all for the spouting AND the tree work - another thing - high winds - that gets her on high alert.  Ya know, it's not like Tess doesn't contribute time/money into the marital home.   But it's like, whenever she requests her husband to approve for maintenance to be done, she's "nagging."   

Very needful to say, her requests for common sense things has gone ignored for ... too long; so yeah, sometimes the home-maintenance situation - one which for-REAL patriarchs wouldn't neglect, period! - runs her clean out of patience.  By the way, that musty smell coming up the stairs, doesn't exactly put her in a romantic mindset, and neither does that corner length of siding - that's, maybe, three windstorms from buckling and flapping, or sailing across the road.

Oh, and it any holier-than-thous care to chime in about wively submission, kindly shut the heck up, and instead, try a little compassion, for Tess and what she deals with about every other day - while you sit, just everso, in your baseball-diamond-sized kitchen.  

Saturday, July 22, 2023

Another space-validating Scripture :)

"Woe unto them that join house to house, that lay field to field, till there be no place, that they may be placed alone in the midst of the earth."  Isaiah 5:8

Oh wait, here's another.

"I called upon the LORD in distress : the LORD answered me, and set me in a large place."  Psalm 118:5

Friday, July 21, 2023

Lecturing other women about their wanting "me time" ... oh the nerve :/

Thing is, "me time" is likely to happen, when you're fortunate enough to live in a (probably paid for) spacious home, and the wife of a man who knows how to fix things / has a solid job history.  When you've plenty of cupboard space, your kitchen is a breeze to work in and keep tidy - stuff won't tumble out, because the pooch just happened to pad on by, on his (or her) way to his food and water, placed just everso, in a wide corner in the adjoining utility room.  There, upon, one of several shelves / cupboards sits pooch's food, just everso, in a sealed plastic container.  Alongside, are other doggie things - extra bowls, a few old bath/kitchen towels, pet shampoo, some medicine, maybe a new toy or two to replace the old ones.

Time doing laundry is cut into easy-peasy pieces, when there's a long table to sort and fold the family's clothing and linens; and there's plenty of space for the laundry cart on wheels.  And yeppers, kiddos, plenty of space for the detergents, soaps, bleach, softener, brushes.  

Meanwhile, back in the kitchen, this well married housewife is presently cutting a watermelon - a big one (good luck with that in a cramp-ars'd apartment or trailer). Plenty of empty, lovely, counterspace.  Oh, and did i mention, if it weren't for the rainstorm happening outside, she'd be cutting it out on the old wooden table that sits beside... yep, another long, wide, stays-clean :) cabinet, on the breezy patio.  

Everything spacious, handy, and lovely.  Small wonder, she's most her housekeeping and gardening chores done, by around 11am.   At the risk of that fine lady  (seriously) coming over here and kicking my butt, i'm going to let out her secret to success.  She gets up around 5:30 am.  By the way, if any red-pills happen to be slithering about, the remainder of her WORK day is spent either sewing (maybe a shirt, maybe a petticoat) or recycling some old curtains or towels for use elsewhere in the house or shed.  When you've a family, (and not just yer awesome self) things get used up. Yep, red-pills, ya think the couple was able to own all that lovely acreage through years of careless spending?  She also knits, things like baby blankets, throws, scarves, hats.  

And yeah, on some afternoons, she'll pass an hour or two practicing on the piano or studying Scripture.  During other afternoons, she's busy rearranging this, going through that, or some other thing, before staring yet another lovely homemade dinner.  At around fourish, it's up the steps for a relaxing bath, followed by putting on a nice dress - her husband arrives home around 5:30ish.

Oh, almost forgot to mention, that big branch that came down during last week's storm?  Well, not much harm done - thankfully, but the lady of the manor had to step through a bramble mess to get into the back entrance way of their little greenhouse ... for about a week.  Yep, her husband's busy season; he told her to call Fit-N-TrimTrees - the mess was gone, as if the storm had raged elsewhere.

"Me time?"  She has that.  As anyone should.  Uhm... for plain old sanity's sake.  Sadly however, i cannot help but to notice, within the Christian community, that women are,  right and left, getting scowled and guilted (oh, that's a big shock) for wanting some time here and there to .... well, to breath, maybe even think ... imagine  that :/

"And hast not shut me up into the hand of the enemy : thou hast set my feet in a large room."  Psalm 31:8

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Oh brother, some red-pill toadies, at it again :/

There's a story going around that whenever a gal sleeps with a dude, his dna remains in her body, and parts of it merge with the child/ren she'll have some three years down the road - that is, after she's grown a brain, and shows the door.  But, of course, the 7 million working age guys, (about 9 or 10%) who aren't working, and don't want to work... that wasn't part of the discussion.  Imagine that.

Well, guess what else didn't enter the discussion.  If it is true, that a gal (who's religiously on the pill) still ends up with his dna ruIning around her body...uh, what if the guy's sexual history also includes one or more other guys?  Would he then also be carrying around some dna that he wasn't born with?   Then, some three years later, what about his precious la-la-lleegacy?

These red-pills were going on about women's bad smells.  Oh pa-leeze, cities are loaded with prostitutes, who entertain 3,4,5 men on a daily basis; if these ladies didn't smell nice, they (or their pimps) wouldn't be able to charge a $1,000 per hour.  

Another reality that wasn't discussed is, the tight clothing, made of woven hefty-bag "fabric."  Synthetics hold in body odor - and fa-breeze is making lots of $$$.  As an aside, just more plastic bottles to end up, somewhere out in the pacific, floating upon that texas-sized trash island.  Natural fabrics allow the wearer's body to breath - washing them, all you need is some detergent.

Anyway, can't help but to notice that as soon as roeVwade was taken off the table, blatant hatred of women skyrocketed.  Also can't help but to believe, this legislation has NOTHING to do with saving unborn children.  

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

As if in slow motion, the vase tipped over, and rolled down the curved stair case. Abram had, quick, let go his wooden sword and

tried to catch the antique, but too late; it lay in pieces upon the carpet - having come perilously close to a fine table (one that had belonged to his father's great aunt Stephanie).  Upon that mahogany furnishing sat a crystal vase of roses.   The noise didn't go unnoticed.  Between his mother, his step-mother, and ten or so servants - one way or another, his father would hear about it.  It didn't matter where the vase had come from - whether it was precious art, or just something someone bought at wally's-world-a-trade.  What mattered was: the boy had been told enough times not to run in the house.  The last time, was in one of the corridors, the clatter of plates and cups had awakened his teething half-sister, Sarai.  All that mattered was, when Terah, his father, came in from the shop - which was located in the mansion's south wing - Abram's seat would know it.

A few hours later, our young mighty man - who, this evening, wasn't interested in sitting down to read a scroll - was battling a three-eyed reptilian giant in one of upstairs corridors, and just when he was about to dispatch the smelly monstrosity to the pit, his nanny's voice called for him to get ready for bed.  Abram wasn't the least bit sleepy; he was anxious for the following day.  His cousins, and a few of their cousins, were coming to visit for several days.  Abram lay awake, anticipating the dragons and other mutations that would howl and die at swords' edge.  

So ends another day in paradise.

About 400 miles south west from Haran, an urban beauty parted the curtains and glanced up and down the rather littered street.   It was as if the neighborhood grew dirtier and dingier with each passing week.  What was wrong with people?  Just drinking, drugging, and not much else ... besides snarling, and snapping, over ... over nothing really.   

When she was a child - which wasn't long ago - the neighbors would get together, and do things.  People greeted one another, went for strolls, met at cutie's cafe - which closed a few years back, because of one too many t-rash tantrums.   Saturday mornings were fun; the neighbors would pick up around the streets, then sit around for a bit, sharing  coffee and donuts; the boys would play kickball, the girls jumped rope.

Neighbors.  She barely knew more than two or three.  Many of the women had neither the time, nor money, to buy a few cookies or pastries and stop around for a brief friendly visit.  For many, it was working all day dreary, only to somehow figure out a way to turn a few measley coppers into almost  enough food for two or three little hungry mouths.  Other neighbors she didn't want to know.  The guy two units from her was ... weird.  Shifty eyed.  Well, alot of that going on these dsys.

"Dear," her mother called from the kitchen, "breakfast is ready."  It was just the two of them; her father, a foreman, had fallen from a construction scaffold; in short, he, for want of workers, had been doing the work of two men.  The dining room curtains ruffled in the summer morning breeze - it was going to be another scorcher, but such is july.  Outside, women rushed to their jobs as maids, nannies, shop girls, while more than a few men gathered in corners, alleyways to .... well, loaf.  And more than a few, quite fashionably.  She had caught a glimpse of a certain purse, and the matching sandals; they must have come from ... didn't matter, wasn't happening, not on her old leather pocketbook.

And you didn't want to look too close - ew!  Things that, from what her mom's generation said, guys didn't do in alleys - back then, they had enough class to atleast rent a room.   Back then, men wanted children; they took their sons hunting, fishing, taught them how to defend themselves, their sisters.  Back then, men's preference was chasing women.  Nowadays... she chucked to herself at the words, "back then" and "nowadays."  Old people's expressions.  But the old people were right.   Anyone with half a brain...

"So Dear," her mother softly laid her teacup upon its saucer, "how things go?"

"Mom," the young beauty smoothed a tress behind her ear.  "Things are gone."  In other words, another dud; one with an entitlement streak the size of scythia - all for a pulled pork sandwich and a side of fries.  While he offered plenty of beer, she only drank one - and watched it closely.  Too many accounts she'd heard about, of young women waking up the next morning in a crappy room, and then having to take that morning constitution with a sore behind.  What was with that?  Don't guys eff gals the normal way anymore? 
The two women cleared away and washed up the breakfast things.  A few moments later, going their separate ways, to their jobs, along that crowding sodom city street.

Sunday, July 9, 2023

And to think, was gonna ditch church, glad i went. A little math.

In Daniel 3:1, Nebuchadnezzar's gold statue -  the one he commanded everyone to fall down and worship, as soon as the music started - was 60 cubits high and 6 cubits wide.  Because 1 cubit is about 1/2 yard, the statue would be 30 yards high and 3 yards wide; in feet, that's 90 X 9.

That statue must of included several steps, because, a muscle-bound man who stands about 6 feet tall, and measures about 3 feet from bicep to bicep, the ratio is about 2:1.  Six feet tall, 3 feet wide.  The depth, where the steps extend (?) isn't given.  Thing is, if the statue is all of just Nebuchadnezzar, then his physical proportion would be that of an exceedingly, cartoonishly, skinny man - the ratio being 9:1.  

The part of the statue showing him, would likely be standing atop a flight of steps, and atop his head, a texas-sized war-lord's helment.   That would mean, his physical  image, including the headgear, would be about 20-25 feet tall.  And the remaining 60-some feet is either platform, or maybe, the statue's setting was that of a cathedral-like throne room - like something you'd see in one of those fancy salvation-by-works churches...where the pretty-hatted guys, who run the place, don't have much to do - if anything, really - with Scripture, and they don't want luzer YOU reading the Bible either.  (But they sure want to know your business, and want your money.)

Anyway, happened before.  Thought about ditching church, but thought the better, and went.  It's true, if ya skip church - where the Bible is for-real preached - ya miss out on the blessing.

A $1,200 handbag and a 1/2k for a pair of shoes is a bit extreme, but so is $60 or $70k

for a pick-up truck.  We can guess which (of the two) genders is charging the former, and which the latter.   Btw, surely a later model used pick-up truck would do just fine, wouldn't it?  Anyway, in one of the videos there's a man  who reports how many fully loaded vehicles are purchased at the expense of future financial security; in other words, the extra $30-ish k is better served sitting and gaining interest, so that 10-20 years down the road...

Meanwhile, one of the red-pill punks, typically, gets his cookies off reporting how delusional (single/post-wall) women are with buying status items.  Granted, he says his wheels are old, his clothing comes from discount stores; his extra income sits gathering interest, for future use.  Smart him.  He, however, chooses to forget that financial irresponsibility is gender blind.

If you totaled the overpriced shoes and purses bought monthly, or bi-monthly, and totaled the bell-n-whistle wheels traded in every three or four years (if not more often); then throw in the vacas, on whichever of the sheet's two sides, bet the amount would be about the same.

Speaking of purses, (and shoes...or anything else) it's better to buy quality.  Cheaper in the long run.  

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Some people are just plain vile, and they love messing people over.

"Make no friendship with an angry man ; and with a furious man thou shalt not go :  Lest thou learn his ways, and get a snare to thy soul."  Proverbs 22:24-25

"Every day they wrest my words : all their thoughts are against me for evil."  Psalm 58:5

"Then went the Pharisees, and took council how they might entangle him in his talk."  Matthew 22:15

So many more Scriptures detailing how wickeds think - no wonder you'll find Scripture after Scripture that get skated over, or just ignored.  And to think, in some countries, you can get serious jail time/lose your job for even having a Bible in the privacy of your home.