Friday, June 30, 2023

Oh boy, a certain red-pill punk is having another widdle gwee-fest.

In short, he delights in seeing (single post-"wall") women get fired from their jobs.  You could ask: isn't he being a bit mean-spirited?  The Scripture-backed answer to that is: well, whaddaya expect, from a blasphemer, (are all those j.c's really necessary ?) a fornicator (if his gf is good enough to eff, but not marry, what's that say)?

And yeah, i get it - while assuming his career is, and has always been, a few grades higher than clerk-work.  He likely had the experience of having to work late - and miss so-n-so's party/picnic or the game (and scrambled to sell the $$$ ticket) - because, once again, some single mom's kid sneezed in daycare ... / was down with yet another kid-sickness.  (Fact of life in the world of grownups: kids get sick.)   Moving right along...  

Perhaps, (prior to making a sizable living through cashing in on incels' long list of woe-is-mee's) he had been a supervisor, and - because business has to go on - had the need to write-up, or check the leave balances of,  several employees for tardiness (when ya have kids...) and, on top of other duties, couldn't find "Smith."  Only to realize, some fifteen precious minutes (YES, "valuable!") later, the last name is "Reynold Smith" - not "Reynolds-Smith" and not "Reynold-Smith."  Hyphenated names ... bruh :/  ...stupid program doesn't do * ... what the hey???

Anyway, he'd likely noticed almost all those long-winded names belong to one gender (and seldom to the other gender).  He'd likely also had noticed, that the list of 0's and near 0's is somewhat longer on one gender, than on the other.  When ya have kids...  He'd probably also noticed, that aside of the what-is-this!the-dutchess-of-wellington?, the sir-name changes, and likely had anticipated/experienced the work-load scramble - both ralph and sara, his best workers, very peeved at having to...  Oh, the delights of supervision :/

Anyway, while part of me considers listening to the broadcast, the more sensible side, knows full well, there will likely be a host of j.c's, and other clever-wannabee phrases.  So, the more rational, more logical side knows,  move along, nothing worth hearing there.  

Still, in all fairness, the legit question arises - one which concerns overhead.  Per that certain/related question/s, oh the Bible is quite clear.  But this article more pertains to the majority - not so much the "remnant."  

Thing is, it's not about the big mini van (reliable wheels) or the dinner delivery, or even the nail studio - those are but this fallen world.   It's about long term planning ... isn't that what grownups are supposed to do?  Btw, Bible is also quite clear about saving money, paying bills on time ... ya know, being responsible. Anyway, moms work, because ... well, the sad REALITY is:  there's alot of work-shy dads out there - who also lie.

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