Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Women make out like bandits in a divorce. Gimmee a break :/ Bandits usually

end up, sooner or later, in jail.  Most couples, divorcing in their later 40s - when the kids are almost adults, the house is almost paid off - will take a hit to their financial future.  Both, not just the man.  Some simple math, which of course red-pills seem to have a problem - yeah, the same ones scowling women for...well, besides breathing, going for a post high school education.

Mr and Mrs Late40s are calling it quits.  The house is valued at 350k, with 50k still owed.  Each will receive about 150k.  That sum will afford the two individuals a nice down payment for another house.  Thing is, had they been able (per the Lord's grace) to keep their marriage for-real together, that 50k would likely be past-tense, within a few years - if not three years ago.  Nothing like a solid  marriage to build wealth; Dave Ramsey simple terms.

Atleast in my area, if you look for a bit, you can find a decent house - in a safe neighborhood - for around 200k.  So, there each of the newly divorced individuals, each bought a place for about that.  Now EACH owes the bank 50k.  But wait a minute, (me being only high-school educated) forgot to factor in the cost of the divorce.  Each paid their lawyer about 10k.  Oh wait, when you buy a house, each realtor, who made the sale, gets a commission.  For simplicity's sake, let's put that as 5k.  While the spouse who had moved out, had sunk about 5k in rent, while looking for another house, the other spouse, who had remained in the house, spent about the same on curb appeal - that is, repairs which could have waited, just fine, had the couple chosen to remain together.

So 150 - 10 - 5 - another 5 = 130.  To get that 200k house, each will have to mortgage 70k, not 50.  Oh yeah, and one other little variable, if the (soon to be ex) wife wanted alimony, each of the lawyers would have charged a few k more.  But to keep the math simple, as with most women these days, she worked throughout her married years - oh, wait a sec, she stayed home for five-ish years, when the two kids were little.   The youngest, being sixteen when the divorce was final, the child support will be two years worth, and should be past-tense soon enough.  While the man peeves and complains, he doesn't have to spend the two evenings per week, chauffeuring - or shelling out the gas expense for junior's karate/hockey/whatever class, which serves to horn in upon the custodial parent's precious evening hours.  Nor is dad stuck taking time off work for doctor/dentist runs - that intrudes upon mom's leave balance, not dad's.  But these red-pills don't take that into account - too much like math :/

Some fifteen to twenty years later, guess who gets to (hopefully) retire at 65?  Yep, the man; his work years were uninterrupted.  Not so, for the woman; her mommy-track years will set her retirement date/income back a few clicks.  Had the couple been able to preserve their marriage - but that takes two people, one can't do it alone - they'd be better off financially.  Divorce is the real bandit; it comes to rob and destroy.

Shift to start.  Bye :)

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