Can ya hear the whizz of the male hamster wheel. Rationalizing just plain L-A-Z-Y, lazy. His commenting red-pill groupies, all on board with that; talking up minimalism and reduced work hours. But the reality is, living in a van, down by the river, is fine and dandy when you're young. Those soda can walls, however, begin to close in around middle age. There you are, forty something, and these past few days have been damp and dreary; your bones, beginning to nag...and now, on this overcast morning, some "karen" pulls up and, well, sorta politely announces, from her late-model sedan window, to kindly move along. Uhm yeah, the rather scrubby, out of the way patch of weeds growing out and around discarded slabs of concrete, and rusted chunk of whatever... Still, happens to be a part of her acreage. Less than pic-perfect, but it's her land, and her rules. So, you can get on your "little" red-prod, later on, and call her a fat whatever; call her what ya will, if you're not gone in like five minutes, she - with cellphone on ready - is going to call the police.
Dude, kindly stop the cap. You're just miffed, because karen is merely one of many women who is able to "cope" in the business world. Ya know, navigate through the bs without throwing a hissy fit, and getting the promotions, through none other than hard and steady work. Btw, the reason employers like women is : because they work.
The podcast, for which i could only stomach about two minutes, shows some guy on a recreational vehicle, going ... pua, nowhere, really. It's all about them, and their silly little hobbies - which the world will go on revolving just fine without. About a minute into Cap's little rant, he was hampstering how the Peter Pan syndrome is not a mental illness - can ya spell "protesteth too much?"
Dust comes in all shades.
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