In short, these ladies are waking up to the reality, they're simply doing what they're supposed to do, being as the Lord God created them...ya know, marriage, children and home. Oh, perish the thought, but perhaps these ladies aren't the problem. Meanwhile, the red-pills, and their toadies, smugly reply, pick better. Yeah, good luck with that.
The business world is also having trouble, "picking better." TradesMEN in their 60s and 70s are retiring - because, after 40, 50 years of crawling around damp dusty areas to replace pipe and wiring ... Businesses are having trouble finding younger men to hire and promote. While some women are stepping up, most women aren't designed to lug bulky equipment up staircases, climb poles, craw through AC passages, load pallets, and drive 12 hours straight... go argue with God himself on that one. Oh, and if you're wondering why the store is out of...whatever, again, in order for drivers to bring the stuff, an active CDL is a requirement; one sure fire way to lose it, or not get hired, is having a DUI/drug charge on record. Same goes with nurses, and atleast some, public school employees - which is why Anita wouldn't even take one puff off a joint.
Last year, there was a staff meeting meeting at work; subject was the opioid crises. Was shocked, at what the findings were. Most the misuse of these drugs was mainly from one gender. And i thought opioids, being pain pills, would mostly be overly popped by women ... ya know, we gals are wimps and all :)
"And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel: only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach." Isaiah 4:1
"Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband.
Let the husband render unto his wife due benevolence : and likewise also the wife unto the husband." 1 Corinthians 7:2-3
Update: speaking of business, at work, they need something on a continuing basis, and are having a heck of a time getting the deliveries. The vendor is having a real hard time keeping up with customers' requests, due to lack of delivery people.