When granddad passed, grandmom stepped away from the senior citizens activities. She didn't want to go anywhere, and mom was concerned. Based on something gram had mentioned, i think was part - if not most - the reason she had left off. Besides being a widow - forty years ago, most old "single" women were widows; sure, some divorcees and a few spinsters - but most were widows.
Anyway, way more "single" women at these things than single men. Gram had mentioned of hearing about this one old widower, who every week, would put on a suit, and treat himself to lunch at pizza hut. Folks were different back then - am old enough to remember people dressing up, just to go to howard johnsons; not the ritz, just a family restaurant - the way things were back in the day.
Anyway, somehow word got out, where this eligible old dude spent his tuesday or wednesday afternoons; gram said three old ladies were on his tail. Have a gut feeling, gram was so turned off by that, she chose to keep a far distance. Yaay gram! But that was decades ago, things were so different.
Now, some 40-50 years later...haven't noticed old women trying to score points with old men. (Okay, i don't get out - just go to work and come home - suits me just peachy dandy.) But i do know that there's lots of young men who just plain flat out detest young women - even call upon ... ugh, that harm happens. Women are waking up, wising up - there's predators, and they're slick. Last days, anyone? Red-pills try to mask things, but there's not enough listerine at the wally world to cover the stench of a gila monster's breath.
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