Saturday, April 15, 2023

Mr. Kirkpatrick died back in '63, or was it '64. All's i know, it was about this time of year,

and Gramma saying something about a card.  Mr. and Mrs. K. were neighbors.  Like most the other homes, the couple lived in a modest ranch; like virtually all the homes, everything appeared neat and everso. While not a guarantee that things were okay behind the windows and doors, when people keep up their property, that's a good sign, that sloth - and sloth's smelly toadies, are neither welcome within the home, nor in the yard.

Anyway, Widow K., continued to live quietly in the home, which her husband had Provided, for the next 20-some years.  Yeah, this was back in the days when most women were housewives.  Maybe, here and there, she had worked part-time, but then again, maybe not.  Shorty after the Lady (oh, i love using politically incorrect terms :) passed, i heard Gramma say that Widow K's window wells were nice and clean.  Ya know how it is, come spring, they're...ugh, a bit dirty from all the bits of road salt, dust and debris from winter - when you don't care to open them.

Anyway, thought about Mrs. K. while cleaning mine.  Took two hours, and i didn't do the three front ones yet.  Taking a break.  Would have taken quite longer to have done the some fifteen windows had i not washed and wiped them down some two weeks ago - that had taken an hour or so.

Heard it said - and, for the most part, believe this - if your window wells are clean, your house is clean.   Also believe this too:  most women want to have a clean orderly home.  Such takes time.  No big deal for me, since there's no drama here - i.e., live alone :)  But most younger women (atleast, normal women) don't want to live alone - Bible even emphasizes that women are to marry, have babies, and guide the home.  Being widowed, and over 60, i get a pass on having to kiss eeckky frogs, in search of a prince.

Anyway, have to go run the typical saturday errands.  More later. Bye.

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