Saturday, April 1, 2023

Elizabeth Cady Stanton didn't like God, and certainly not His Word. Uhm, her stand wouldn't have had anything to do with

the preeecher-creatures of the time (mid 1800s) ... would it???  Ya know, the same old story, where wively submission is forefront, while husbandly, somehow gets glossed over; oh, and forget about the part of loving one's wife as Christ loves his church :/

Anyway, one CERTAIN pearl of wisdom Ms. Cady Stanton wrote of was this.  She emphatically WARNED women to never, ever ditch their femininity.  If i am not mistaken, she was dead set against the bloomer fad.  Back in the mid 1800s, bloomers were basically loose fitting trousers; the fad didn't catch on too well - for the time, was too much like today's orange purple butch-cuts.

This is not a women wearing pants rant - though, in the Bible, the Lord calls women wearing men's duds an "abomination."  By the way, He says the same concerning the ole putting a thumb on the deli scale.  This post concerns a comment from a housewife - a.k.a., SAHM.  The housewife was recalling when the couple's kids were little, and how she went several years wearing threadbare jeans, and when she NEEDED a winter coat, she got a frowsey one from the (smells funny) 2nd hand store, one that was two sizes too big.

And we all know, the preeecher-creatures are also big on "denying self," i.e., women who'd like to buy a decent outfit every once in a freaking while ... oh, that's selfish.


Uhm, it's NEVER preached, that when a wife is relegated to wearing rags, she denies her husband (whether he realizes, or even cares) his basic need.  Men are visually motivated.  While preeechers preach on about marriage being permanent, and post-divorce remarriage being adultery (see Matthew 5:32, for starters), you'd think they'd be all for keeping that 1st marriage on-board, ten, twenty, forty years down the line.  Check the science: women age!   A woman can diet and go to the gym, but 50 is still 50.

And frankly, a few nice outfits here and there are NOT mere vanities, but are, instead, necessities in keeping the marriage long-term sound. 

All's i know is - even though i am alone, how my mood instantly changes when i put on something even halfways nice.  Feel more motivated, get more done.  That's important -- though widowed and alone.  See Proverbs 31.  Anyway, godda roll.  My iron quit, godda go get another one.  Bye:)

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