Sunday, April 30, 2023

"Allah Loves You" ?? Well, that's a new one! Never heard that ploy before. While no expert, did look into Islam some years back, and the religion seemed to focus

upon fear and submission.  But "Love"?  Nope, didn't see that, in anything i had read about Islam.  Sure, in the Koran copy (which was borrowed) did read, in several places, about looking after orphans, and giving to the poor.  Well guess what!  People who are outright atheists - and vocal about how the Bible is just a buncha desert tales, and the people who believe the Word, are a buncha  uneducated underachievers... bla, bla ;/  Even Bible-bashers have atleast some light in them to realize, there are other people on this planet, besides their enlightened smart selves; and have enough gratitude to the 3.5 billion year old pond soup that gave them life and ability, to ... well, share some of their resources.  Or did that concept come from their aunt meggie or uncle bob (who, by the way, believed the Scriptures, from cover to cover).  

Anyway, Islam, like all other religions, except the Real one (faith in Jesus Christ) teach that in order to get on the good side of god/eternity, one must do this/that works - feed the poor (and hire a drummer to make big noise), burn (at the stake) folks who question infant baptism and shelling out lots of dough to get their sins forgiven ... HOORAY!!! for the Reformation - and the men and women, who died horribly, so we could have Bibles, written in languages that people actually speak.  Yeah, getting all over the map here :)

Hhmm, come to think of it, don't recall anywhere, where Jesus and his disciples bullied or killed anybody for questioning, or choosing to not believe.  But have read, in the Scriptures, where Jesus simply, politely ignored the scoffing pharisees, and went about his Father's business; and where the Lord Jesus's disciples simply left towns which weren't interested in the Gospel.  No drama, just some dust kicked off sandals.

"Allah Loves You?"  What's up with that?  Could it be - atleast in the west, where people still have freedom to accept, or reject, whatever religion/s - that numbers are down?  That women are waking up?  That women are communicating with one another, instead of wanting to one-up (i.e., LIE at) each other.

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