Saturday, February 18, 2023

Using the modern day calendar, just to get a perspective on the time Noah and company were aboard

the ark.  While, think i read somewhere, the jewish calendar is 360 days, but am going with what am familiar.   Ball park figures, but here we go.  February (not Jan) 17th, all are safely aboard, and it starts to rain...boyhowdy, it's a coming down in buckets.  (See Genesis 7:11)  

March 27 - the 40 days and nights of pounding rain has finally stopped, but we're definitely floating.  Yeah, the rain stopped, but the fountains of the deep didn't.  (Genesis 7:17)

July 17 - Tha-lunk!  The ark has landed upon the top of  Mount Ararat.   (Genesis 8:4)

October 1 - Genesis 8:5 says the tops of mountains could be seen.  Earlier, (Genesis 7:20) they'd all been under water; the highest of them, something like 22 feet (tallest of dinosaurs might have been able to keep his head above water...well, for two minutes, because here comes another wave, and the undertow...).

November 10 (veterans' day, roundabout)  Noah opens a window and sends forth a raven and a dove.  The dove returns; some scholars believe, what land was yet available, had alot of flood debris, and doves are neat freaks - while ravens, meh, they don't care if the place is messy. (Genesis 8:7-8)

November 17 - Noah sends the dove out again; she comes back with an olive branch.  (Genesis 8:10-11).  Okay, so stuff is growing; we could ask, why couldn't they get off the ark?  Probably, because olive trees were still two-foot saplings - and didn't need feet kicking up mud.  Speaking of mud, see that tender oak sapling over by the hill?  Whew, that mudslide almost got it.

November 24 - (Thanksgiving, roundabout)  Noah sends forth the dove: she doesn't return.  (Genesis 8:12)  Guess things are drying out, and making available, neat spaces.  So, we may ask, why can't the other birds get off yet?  Could it be, the young plants are still too tender to be dealing with an onslaught of wings, beaks and feet?

January 1 (Happy New Year)  Noah removes the covering - the good crew can actually enjoy their cake and coffee on deck.  (Genesis 8:13)    So, we may, again, ask...wha...why can't we go out and atleast walk around?   Could it be, the plant life and the ground is still not ready for a bunch of boat-fevered bodies, running all over the place?  

February 27 - they finally, after one year and one month, are able to depart. 


  1. My bad, the rains and fountains let loose February 17th, not January - will go back and make correction.
