Sunday, February 12, 2023

Oopps, did one of the evolution people, come a bit close to giving away the store? On a you-tube,

someone was talking about t-rex, and he guesstimated - per his knowledge about gators and other reptiles - that this particular t-rex had lived for about a century.  Now, we all know that t-rex, being the toughest dude on the block, lived a rough life - when you are at the top of your game, there's always competition.  In another video, another evolutionist had noted, a scarcity of juvenile dinosaurs.  Why?  Was the world that tough, that the young ones hadn't exactly a head-start, in dino-gangsta land?  Or is it, that young dino-bones didn't last into fossils - some dino bone structures are hollow, else, they'd of been too heavy to move around properly; but that applies to brontos and such: still, mr.t-rex was no lightweight.   i am left wondering, if the 100-some year-old was actually an up and coming kingpin of the hood.  

As for size, some reptiles continue to grow throughout life.   Some grow faster than others ; ordinary turtles - dont grow much Btw, a regular turtle can live some 150 years.   Gators can get big.  About 50 or 60 years ago, there was this one gator, just going about his business.  He had a war wound on his some eight or nine foot long (maybe longer) body - a bullet, from the civil war.

Anyway, time to get ready for church.

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