Saturday, February 4, 2023

Back in Bible-bashing days, the only thing i (cared to) noticed was, the Proverbs 31 woman, didn't get much sleep.

Per Proverbs 31:15 and 18, (please see verses below) she's the first to get up, and the last to go to bed.  Hhmm, at first glance, can sound like the modern wife - working fulltime, then coming home tired, but with a full 2nd shift before her.  Oh, but the difference - and a BIG one - between the two wives is:

Number one, her husband is successful.; he isn't some longtime low-tier jasper, sitting on his duff, bending any unfortunate ear, pontificating how he knows better than the ceo.  Nope, her husband is on the board of directors, babah :)  AND is well regarded by his colleagues :)  So, he's doing what he needs done, and she is able to get alot done.

For one thing, she has household help.  And not only that, she has the resources to compensate her housemaids well above mere minimum wage.  In short, she makes sure these women, doing the menial tasks, have warm clothing on their backs and nutritious food in their bellies.  Also, the kitchen maid doesn't have to worry about getting canned because, just when she handed a sandwich to a begger, her boss happened to step into the kitchen to check on something.  Nope, the lady of the manor has better things to do than be keeping tabs on every last turk-n-tuna sandwich.

For sure, the lady of the house is putting in serious hours - per the Scriptures - 
probably about sixteen hours, six days a week.  Not only supervising, she makes fine things to sell at the market; with her profits, she is able to put these funds toward buying significant purchases - like land.  This isn't some $3-n-change etsy op.  Not only that, she has plenty of beautiful space to live and work in ; we're talking about a paid-off HOUSE, with plenty of rooms - not some crampy postage-stampy $1,400 monthly apartment - or denty sodacan trailer, with a $500 microscopic-lot rent. (Just freaking insane.)

How's she do it all, without burnout - and the inevitable slouch2grouch?  Yep, it also makes a big difference, when you can look out the window, and smile at the sleet and wind - when you see the electric bill in the mail, and have NO worries, whatsoever.   And have worries, because the property taxes will be arriving in about a week or two.

"She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens."  Proverbs 31:15

"She is not afraid of the snow for her household : for all her household are clothed with scarlet."  Proberbs 31:21

"Her husband is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land."  Proverbs 31:23

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