are doing just fine, living alone, and paying for repairmen to install/fix this and that - it's called the business of adult thing, ya know. The mgtow's "cat" calling is almost funny, were it not so pathetic. After all, doesn't Paul the Apostle - a man, by the way, who had no desire to marry - tell, per the Lord's direction, that fornicating is, unlike other sins, a sin against one's own body. Meanwhile, caring for a cat, or cats, evidences someone willing to spend time and money on someone other than self ... guess these guys don't get that part.
Needful to say, these meangirlish mgtow guys tend towards mocking the Lord...ya know, "sky wizard" and such. So, when they fart out their evolution sermonettes, where guys have the right to horndog, and then turn around and expect their (imaginary?) latest girlfriend (of the month) to be a virgin? Well, besides the blatant hypocrisy, that makes about as much mathematical sense as spaving (spending money to save).
By the way, there are some VERY red pill preachers out there ( who are quite critical towards young women who waste their youth on rooster rides. But the difference is, these godly men are at least equally critical of men who sleep around/do drugs/won't work.
So yeah, Jason Cooley, Reg Kelly, preach it. KJB (Real Bible) Amen.
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