Friday, May 13, 2022

Well, that was interesting - while the qwiverful party goes on about selfish

people not wanting ANY children, a you-tube commenter summed up a list of possible fleas.  Never saw that one before - seen the usual ... things like: being hesitant to trust (smart move) anger (well, who wouldn't be!) health problems, trouble making decisions (toxins do that to people).  But not wanting children?  Makes sense, because - especially women - having children often means being financially - at least partially - dependent on the child's (or children's) dad.  In short, being a woman, who ends up depending on a man.

Very, very sad to say - more often than not - not smart.  Gray divorce is on the rise.  It's one thing for a woman, especially, to go through a divorce at 30 - young enough to get out there, get a job, and when you hit 60-something, be able to go part-time.  Goes like this, at 60-something, strong probably is: you won't have the energy (or workplace b.s. tolerance) you had at 30 or 40.

So, it's way another to have been a housewife, only to be dumped at 55 ... for no better reason, really, than ... okay you gained some wrinkles, along with some pounds.  And, just in the case of any misog-trolls there's a BIG difference between the usual middle-age caboose, and a years' long lazy shrew, who just keeps getting lazier and meaner. 

All in all, guess who really suffers, from adults, who just refuse to grow the heck up?

Yep, the kids.

Kids, those conservatives little creatures...they need a daddy to teach them things like maintaining boundaries, how to get and hold down a job, how to fix a light switch...  And there's something about getting off the school bus, and knowing your mom is home, and yeah, she has all her stuff done, and she'll listen when you tell her all about the deer, possum, dog...whatever, you saw, during recess, running along the woods.

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