Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Mgtow men are going monk - that's a good thing, because

that means, Men of Principle.  Men who are a part of the solution.  These men go their way; have the option to work as many, or as few hours, needed to support their choices.  About a year ago, thinking about what a 30-ish single man would need to keep an apartment and a gym subscription, made up a budget.  Pictured an urban man who enjoyed reading science stuff, hiking, and sometimes getting together with friends at a local coffee shop or pub.  What becme noticable was, since men usually don't care if the curtains match, that means more money saved, or put towards a ski jacket (to replace the one that's basically shot).  

While i am not a spender, still...ugly curtains will not do - and they all godda match!  So, by next year - and another few hundred dollars, and ALOT of sewing, will have the other three rooms draped in natural fabric curtains, complete with real shams - not those fakey things....ugh!  

Anyway, a confirmed bachelor, making the same salary, living in this house, would have a whole lot more money than i (an old lady who doesn't get along well with machines).  A bachelor would have a reliable lawn tractor to cut his own grass (i hire - lawn mowers have blades.  Yikes).  He would also have a plow for his truck (i hire plow service).  He would also buy tires and put them on himself (i hire for that too - tires are heavy, and i don't know how to do that kind of stuff).  He would have bought the materials, and done the roof himself (i called a contractor, and paid a few grand - worth it, they do a good job), and they're coming out to do the one on the other side).  

If a bachelor lived here, the ceiling fan would work- he'd of either figured it out, or replaced it himself.  But i live here, and that fan is on my to-do list - to call a contractor, and have that replaced, because electricity??  Nuh-uh, scary scary.  

Anyway, while am shelling out money for contractors, will not fault a man for choosing to live free from fornication.  If he gets on the net, and goes on about women being not worth the drama, listen up, because he's no hypocrite.

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